Seems like there is a (at least a somewhat) recurring pattern of, "Didn't get a nom to USNA, but got ones for USAFA and/or USMA." I know USNA gets the most applications, but is it really that much more?
Seems like there is a (at least a somewhat) recurring pattern of, "Didn't get a nom to USNA, but got ones for USAFA and/or USMA." I know USNA gets the most applications, but is it really that much more?
You can look at Mr. Mullen's post of download numbers to DoDMERB. I think USNA and USAFA are pretty close in applicants downloaded. I would suspect this board skews to USNA/East Coast perhaps?
How did you find this on your portal?
In the Overview section, at the very bottom there is a "Nominations" category. You won't see the MOC's name, just a numerical designation referencing the district (if congressman) or whether it's a junior or senior senator.
Has anyone from MA heard back from Senator Markey? I interviewed in early December and have yet to receive any correspondence since then.
I'm in the same boat, had my interview on 12/22 and haven't heard anything since. My guess is that they're gonna officially submit them this weekend and notify us early next week, but that's just a guess. Warren and I think most of the reps already notified us by now, so idk why his office is last.
I'm in the same boat, had my interview on 12/22 and haven't heard anything since. My guess is that they're gonna officially submit them this weekend and notify us early next week, but that's just a guess. Warren and I think most of the reps already notified us by now, so idk why his office is last.
I'm glad to hear someone else is in the same boat. I'm sure we will hear back soon.