Allergy DQ?


New Member
Jul 19, 2017
I am aware that nobody on this forum knows the exact process for granting a waiver; however, I am curious on your own experiences. I am a good candidate and am wondering if anyone knows of people getting accepted into any of the academies with a tree nut allergy, or having a waiver granted for the academies with this allergy. If you need me to go into more specifics then you can ask but I just want to see your insight/ past experiences that may be helpful. Please feel free to share of anyone that has been accepted, even if they had certain restrictions. Thank you
Hey Pilot20,

My close friend had a peanut allergy and applied to USNA, and he was DQ'd for this and his waiver was not accepted. Might just be a single case but for him, he was not accepted.
Not specific to the academies but from what I read, peanut allergies are the hardest to get a waiver for. Tree nut allergies are easier to deal with. Army is more much flexible with tree nut allergies compared to AF which is more strict about it.
I am aware that nobody on this forum knows the exact process for granting a waiver; however, I am curious on your own experiences. I am a good candidate and am wondering if anyone knows of people getting accepted into any of the academies with a tree nut allergy, or having a waiver granted for the academies with this allergy. If you need me to go into more specifics then you can ask but I just want to see your insight/ past experiences that may be helpful. Please feel free to share of anyone that has been accepted, even if they had certain restrictions. Thank you
Hi Pilot20,
Hope you are doing well! While looking for suggestions, I ran into your post. I was just wondering if you were able to get a tree nut waiver for USAFA. Do you mind sharing your application journey involving a tree nut allergy. Thank you!
Hi Pilot20,
Hope you are doing well! While looking for suggestions, I ran into your post. I was just wondering if you were able to get a tree nut waiver for USAFA. Do you mind sharing your application journey involving a tree nut allergy. Thank you!
Pilot’s post is over a year old; you may not get a response. There are multiple threads on nut allergy DQs across the individual SA forums and DoDMERB forum. Use the internal Search tool or do an external Google search using “” in your search string.