We are thrilled, and a little shocked, that DS received his appointment today. We weren't expecting to hear anything until late March, as he is not a recruited athlete or a principal nominee! Check your mailboxes!!!
We are thrilled, and a little shocked, that DS received his appointment today. We weren't expecting to hear anything until late March, as he is not a recruited athlete or a principal nominee! Check your mailboxes!!!
Wow! Congratulations!! This is interesting news! Best wishes to your DS.
So the BFE just came out of the blue? No call from the MOC? No update in the Portal?
I don't think the military wants young men who are bubblewrapped. Put the bubblewrap away....
Eagleone, CC knows his stuff. I'd think twice before disregarding his advice.
The thinking behind the bubblewrap is to get the appointee into the Academy. Of course the USAF is not wanting bubblewrapped cadets and officers. But if your DS shows up on I-Day injured he will be sent home to try again next year. This happens every year and is heartbreaking for the appointee. There is a story somewhere on here about an USNA appointee showing up with a broken arm and then being led off the Yard by Mom and Dad. He was in tears. I don't know how he broke it, but a day of snowboarding is clearly not worth an appointment.
So I would not put the bubblewrap away at this point. Once a cadet, they can fully participate in activities of their choosing.
So my DS has a decent chance of getting an appointment. Should we pull him out of the state regional wrestling tournament this weekend?