Bancroft Hall

The 'Dant said last week in Instagram that Mother B would house 4100 Mids and 500 would be elsewhere in the Annapolis area. I heard on FB today that 3 entire companies are in ISO and the ISO wing is full. What a year!
I heard something similar from my kiddo. My inexperience may show here but I know that plebe summer iso was 40 plebes and 9 Detailers. So do company isolations now, during the ac year mean 120 plus each?! I am so glad I am not the pilot flying the plane through Covid while the engineers build it mid flight.
I heard something similar from my kiddo. My inexperience may show here but I know that plebe summer iso was 40 plebes and 9 Detailers. So do company isolations now, during the ac year mean 120 plus each?! I am so glad I am not the pilot flying the plane through Covid while the engineers build it mid flight.

Do you mean that a plebe summer company iso was 40? BC there have been more than 40 plebes in iso during all plebe summer 🤔
Ya who knows. Everything can and does change. Sometimes by the hour. Just look at the current college football situation.

Until it happens, who knows? What a year.
My Youngster is still home. She heard from a Mid in another company, of two companies moving to St. J. In the Annapolis paper last night, USNA spokesperson, was quoted as saying USNA and St. John's are still in negotiations.

I failed to include the Alumni Rumor Mill, which has a steady production rate as well. Our alumni sponsor family is checking in with me from all over the world with “I heard...” conversations. DH’s classmates are chattering away online.

Humans are being reliably human.
The Bancroft Hall Rumor Mill?

Or the Facebook Hovering Parents Rumor Mill?

I truly believe most mids’ eyes would be squarely in the boat if not for the constant distraction of mom and dad getting all into Bancroft’s business. 😕

LOL I saw one thread where a mother posted a rumor, someone refuted the rumor, and everyone in the thread ignored it and assumed the rumor was true.

The only interaction I have with my son about all of this is the occasional groan “you still haven’t been called back yet?”

The good news is he loves his classes and teachers so far.
The Bancroft and Alumni rumor mill has always been strong. Well before social media, email and all this stuff... they were and are the strongest networks. The parent rumor mill is the most recent. Honestly, our parents knew so little of what happened at USNA. It was just how it was. Sure there were a few helo parents but they could probably be counted on one hand. My parents really knew more about my basketball life, schedule, games, stats, etc than anything. They would wait for an update after a game, but couldn’t tell you the class I was taking (other than some engineering class was hard or Calc was kicking my butt), grade, my position within the Brigade or anything. It just wasn’t something that Mids talked about much other than generalities to let them know we were okay and alive and kicking. Our parents didn’t have all the social media to follow and then ask us a ton of questions so that is how it worked. I know this is different as some of you have kids at home wondering when you can ship them back! You get to see Zoom classes, meetings, etc so getting a much closer look than anyone nearly would.
I’m just a plebe mom who knows very very little but have just decided it’s my role to trust the system. And I was previously a very hands-on parent though high school. The level of rumor mill and parent involvement I’m seeing has really surprised me. My kid sounds happy and has no complaints and I expect is learning more about adaptability and problem solving being there in there crazy times than I learned in 4 years of college and several more in grad school :) This is not at all to diminish just how tough and weird things are (and the fact that people are sadly really sick and suffering in these times) but that’s how things are everywhere due to COVID.
Now, on the facebook, we get to hear about constipation issues. I do understand that constipation can be a serious issue but I also have to believe that the midshipmen and the medical staff at USNA will be able to handle this one without outside help.

I refrained from posting about this.

My son would be pissed if I posted that. It took me a day or so to click it and read it.
What surprises me on fb is the level of detailed sharing. If I have something I need to share or ask you can guarantee it will be a private message. I have to grant a little grace to the parents though. This isolation and rom and irregular schedules and pending cardiac appointments has parents understandably worried. I decided the day he left it was his journey. He can and will share with us what he thinks we should know. Today, I got my first picture in whites. Handsome guy, and damn fine looking uniform. I had to admire the creases ironed in all the right places. He also was able to get his guitar today via contact free drop off, so that must have made him inordinately happy. Rumors and human behaviors will continue as long as we draw breath. We can always choose to just keep scrolling. Hopefully I am doing the best I can at this parenting adjustment, and not just thinking I am.
Midamucil to the rescue!
Perhaps a better alternative to Metamucil would a garden planted and maintained by those affected by the MRE (Meals Refusing Exit) problem. The Halsey Field House could become the Halsey Greenhouse. The health benefits of eating fresh organic vegetables are numerous plus I have heard that Metamucil does not taste very good.
I’m just a plebe mom who knows very very little but have just decided it’s my role to trust the system.

It really is the best approach. Hard, I know. But worrying doesn't create any benefits.

My question is whether the mids were supposed to ROM at home before showing up. If so, and they did, it surprises me that so many are testing positive. If you stay home and strictly limit visitors, the only way you get Covid is for someone in your household to have it. Now, if there were no restrictions, it makes more sense why the numbers aren't very low.

Keep in mind, the plebes were supposed to ROM before I-Day. That may have helped.
It really is the best approach. Hard, I know. But worrying doesn't create any benefits.

My question is whether the mids were supposed to ROM at home before showing up. If so, and they did, it surprises me that so many are testing positive. If you stay home and strictly limit visitors, the only way you get Covid is for someone in your household to have it. Now, if there were no restrictions, it makes more sense why the numbers aren't very low.

Keep in mind, the plebes were supposed to ROM before I-Day. That may have helped.

Thank you. I plan to continue to embrace this approach :) I can’t control any of this and don’t want to. Again, she is learning more than we ever anticipated this fall. What amazing stories these kids will have- what grit!