Hoops and '85 are right on....be patient. While I applaud your initiative and desire to get the process started, always keep in mind that this is a marathon, not a sprint. (If you haven't been following this Forum long, go back and look at the threads where people are waiting for their Appointment in March /April after submitting their application in the summer). While timely completion and submission of the application is encouraged, there isn't a reward or benefit to being the first.
While I would expect the AC/BGO to respond to your inquiry (if in fact they received it .. having an email "bounce back" suggests some sort of communication error), BGO's don't get info on the next class until late May/early June (please don't construe this as a "deadline", its really when Admissions is ready to make the cutover from 2022 to 2023). At that time, BGO's get notice of the new candidates and should be reaching out. It may or may not be assigned by school.... my state only has a handful of BGO's for the entire state, so with the exception of a few assigned schools, Candidates are assigned based upon geographic proximity.
I wanted to emphasize 'Hoops suggestion -- do your own research first, and have specific questions. Ever year I have someone (candidate, or parent) call and ask "How do I apply..." or "Can you help me get in....". I have adopted CAPT MJ's advice about reading about reading everything on the Admissions website (every drop down and link etc) as my standard response. BGO's are here to help, but its not our job to hold your hand or to "get you in".
Finally, if you have a question that simply can't wait a few weeks...you should feel free to contact the AC. Perhaps reminding him/her that you met at the XYZ event, and telling him /her that the email address for the BGO that they gave you bounced back.
Best of luck...