usna 2023


    Blue Angels 2023 Air Show

    I live near Annapolis and want to go because I never have but I couldn't find out how you attend the air show or like were you buy tickets so if someone could help me out that would be apprectiated. Thanks!
  2. J

    Cellphone Carrier for USNA?

    Hi Everyone. I know that The Yard (especially Bancroft) is notorious for having poor reception and I have experienced this during my few stays at USNA. I have used T-Mobile for awhile and heard from other midshipmen that it was the worst. This was 2 years ago and things certainly might've...
  3. D

    Got Into the Naval Academy! "Folder" in the mail

    I have received and accepted my offer of appointment for USNA's class of 2023. I've received a "folder" in the mail just now which contained a Certificate of Accomplishment and a large picture with descriptions on the back. Is this the permit to report package? The timing fits, but what I know...
  4. U

    Still Waiting

    I'm getting really anxious about having not heard either way from the Academy.... Is it a bad sign that I haven't heard back yet and there's less than a month left to receive an appointment?
  5. U

    Permit to Report Package

    Hello! I have received and accepted my offer of appointment for USNA’s class of 2023. I am excited/anxious for I-Day and was wondering if anyone knew the general time that the permit to report packages would be sent out. Any insight would be greatly appreciated! Thanks :)
  6. B

    DoDMerb Waiver Question

    I am currently medically DQ'd for Renal Calculus (kidney stone), I had one last year which was a result of my salty diet throughout my life, but i have since had it removed and have changed my lifestyle to prevent any more from forming. I have not gotten a waiver yet, does this look bad as...
  7. I

    How bad are my chances hurt at USNA 2023?

    After over 4 weeks of waiting for DODMERB to update my account after they received my exams, I got back that I was not medically qualified but that a remedial was requested for hospital records about when I was very sick and was told that I might have meningitis. The doctor said that I possibly...
  8. S

    Timeframe for Admissions Decision

    Hello, I am applying to USNA class of 2023. I finished my application very early back in October. Unfortunately the rep in my district and my senators have a later nomination period. I received nominations from my rep and a senator late last year. Both of the nominations showed up on my portal...
  9. Z

    Nomination Questions

    I had a Congressional nomination interview earlier this month and was told I would be notified the first week of December. I have not received a phone call, email, or letter saying that I have received a nomination, but when I logged into my USNA application portal, it says "These are your...
  10. H

    Blue and Gold Officer Interview

    Hello, It has been 8 weeks since I conducted my B&G officer interview, and it still says nothing received on my USNA portal. Should I contact my B&G officer and ask if he has done it? Or would that be too rude?
  11. U

    USNA/NROTC and ED questions

    Hello All, I have been lurking on the forum for nearly a year without posting anything. I’ve appreciated everyone's insight and am finally getting around the asking a question. That said, I am sure that this was asked in the past sometime but I can’t seem to find it. I am currently a senior...
  12. rjgetler

    USNA: Have you ever experienced any exceptional adversity that we should know about?

    Hello everyone. I am applying to USNA for the class of 2023, and I am looking for some advice on the question stated above and below: Have you ever experienced any exceptional adversity that we should know about? What does the Naval Academy consider "exceptional adversity?" Examples...
  13. G

    USNA College Reapplicant

    Hello all, I applied last year to the Naval Academy and heard back the first week of April that I had been denied. I applied out of the first Congressional District in Virginia. I am currently on a Marine Option NROTC scholarship to Virginia Tech and I'm majoring in political science. I did not...
  14. D

    NASS Pictures?

    Hello! I attended Summer Seminar Session 2, and I was wondering if there was any way for us to see the pictures that they took. My detailer only sent us a few pictures, but I saw other detailers taking many more. I have seen picture on the slideshow they played during the closing and the...
  15. K

    CFA Workout

    Hello all! I am a rising senior (female) and I am working on filling out my application for USNA! I did attend NASS (session one) and it made me a little concerned about my cfa scores. Just for your information I did play soccer for 3 years, but no varsity letter, and ran track this year and...
  16. S

    USNA Personal Statement

    I have been working on the personal statement for my application for some time now. I think I have finally written something that sounds like me and that will tell the admissions what kind of person I am. Still, I would really appreciate some feedback on what I have written. Of course, I have...
  17. A

    BGO is MIA

    I opened an application at USNA when I applied for NASS back in January, I have since been accepted and was expecting an email from my BGO at some point in the process. I emailed my Area Coordinator asking if I could get my BGOs contact information and he never responded, I then met my Area...
  18. U

    After a USNA Rejection

    Hi, I’m a current applicant to USNA from Fl-08. If a rejection letter comes my way, I’m planning to reapply the next year and go to a near by community college (Because of financial problems) and take Plebe year courses. One of my coaches was telling me about joining the Navy reserves to help...
  19. USNAismyplace

    CVW Schedule

    I am attending CVW January 25th to 27th, and I was wondering what the schedule for the visit is like. I know that I will be "dragged" by a current plebe, and I am so excited! In terms of my schedule though, all I know from my CVW email and the online information is the check-in and check-out...
  20. USNAismyplace

    Looking for advice!

    I know no one knows my chances, but here are some my stats, now that I am a HS junior and am preparing to dive into the SA process. I am a female junior from MA shooting for USNA! GPA (weighted): 4.3 GPA (unweighted): 4.03 Freshman courses: Honors English, Honors Algebra II, Honors Biology...