Gtwright11, congrats on your acceptance! Try your best to just watch, listen & learn. Don't wear anything that might draw attention such as JROTC items or letter jackets. Pay close attention to what happens at meal times & follow the Knob's lead not the upper class. If your Knob host is addressed by an upper-classman in your presence, try not to make eye contact. LOL Seriously though, hope you enjoy sitting in on some of the classes and seeing the great campus. Keep an open mind and remember that this time of year, the Knobs are ready for a much needed break. If you are able, do stay for the formal parade. Its very impressive. We have a current Knob who sometimes posts here & I hope he will see your question in time to answer a few of your concerns before you go. If not, please post back when you return & share your thoughts. Good luck to you & welcome to the forum!