Nosnow, if you don't mind me asking, what district in AZ did you receive your nomination from?15)Nosnow/DS/LOA/Appt.Dec.7, 2016/Not Yet Accepted/AZ/Congressional Nomination
NOTE that appointments had been MADE for 2020 by this date last year, just not self-reported.A Pro-Tip on USNA Class Appointments : A Perspective on *reported* Appointments by December 11th of any YEAR
Class of 2021 USNA Appointment Thread started October 4, 2016- last entry ?? 2017 (20 Appointments reported by December 11th)
Class of 2020 USNA Appointment Thread started January 26, 2016 - last entry June 9, 2016 (NO Appointments reported by December 11th)
Class of 2019 USNA Appointment Thread started December 23, 2014 - last entry May 10, 2015 (NO Appointments reported by December 11th)
Class of 2018 USNA Appointment Thread started October 3, 2013- last entry June 9, 2014 (12 Appointments reported by December 11th)
Class of 2017 USNA Appointment Thread started November 26, 2012- last entry May 1, 2013 (20 Appointments reported by December 11th)
Class of 2016 USNA Appointment Thread started September 2, 2011- last entry April 6, 2012 (13 Appointments reported by December 11th)
24) Ohio-USNA21/Self/No LOA/Appt. Dec 14, 2016/Accepted/OH/Congressional NominationUSNA Class of 2021 Appointments:
1) navyafgirl /(Self)/No LOA / Appt. Oct. 3, 2016 / Accepted ? / VA - POTUS / Presidential Nomination
2) Navymom2021/DS/No LOA/Appt. Oct.3, 2016/Accepted/VA - POTUS /Presidential Nomination
3) MCJROTC_is_cool/(Self)/No LOA/Appt. Oct. 3, 2016/Accepted/PA - POTUS/Presidential Nomination
4) Padre101/DS/No LOA/Appt. Oct. 24. 2016/N0t Yet Accepted/VA-POTUS/Presidential Nomination
5) GregInMD/DD/LOA/Appt. Oct 24, 2016/Accepted/MD/Senator Nomination
6) Navyboy17/(Self)/No LOA/ Appt. Oct 27, 2016/Accepted/KS/Senator Nomination
7) Johnathan/DS/No LOA/Appt. Oct 28, 2016/Accepted/NC/JROTC Nomination
8) USNAhopeful21/(Self)/No LOA/ Appt. Oct. 3, 2016/Accepted/NC/JROTC Nomination
9) Nav21/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Oct. 28, 2016/Accepted/AL-POTUS/Presidential Nomination
10) FloridaToUSMA2021/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Dec. 1, 2016/Accepted/FL/Congressional Nomination
11) USNA2021_Dad/DS/No LOA/Appt. Dec. 3, 2016/Accepted/CO/Congressional
12) Sandra614/ DS/ No LOA/ Appt. Nov. 27, 2016/Not Yet Accepted/FL/Congressional
13) IRow2021/(Self)/ LOA/ Appt. Dec. 2, 2016/ Accepted/NC/JROTC Nomination
14) Schul542/ (self)/ LOA/ Appt. Dec. 7, 2016/ Not Yet Accepted/ IL/ Senator Nomination
15) Nosnow/DS/LOA/Appt. Dec.7, 2016/Accepted/AZ/Congressional Nomination
16) laxer98/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Dec. 7, 2016/Not Yet Accepted/MD/Congressional Nomination
17) tmanbrin / self / No LOA / Appt. Dec. 7, 2016 / Accepted / CO / Senator Nomination
18)Gonavy21/DS/LOA/Appt. Dec.7, 2016/ Accepted /GA/Congressional Nomination
19)Midgirl2021/DD/LOA/Appt. Dec.7,2016/Will Accept/NY/Congressional Nomination
20) runxc8/Self/LOA/Appt. Nov. 23, 2016/Accepted/IN/Congressional Nomination
21) candidate1999/Self/LOA/Appt. Dec. 14, 2016/Plan to Accept/GA/Congressional Nomination
22)priscmcd/DS//LOA/Appt. Dec 14, 2016/Accepted/CA/Senator Nomination
23) Ohioman/(Self)/No LOA/ Appt. Dec 14, 2016/ Plan to Accept/OH/Congressional Nomination
USNA Class of 2021 Appointments:
1) navyafgirl /(Self)/No LOA / Appt. Oct. 3, 2016 / Accepted ? / VA - POTUS / Presidential Nomination
2) Navymom2021/DS/No LOA/Appt. Oct.3, 2016/Accepted/VA - POTUS /Presidential Nomination
3) MCJROTC_is_cool/(Self)/No LOA/Appt. Oct. 3, 2016/Accepted/PA - POTUS/Presidential Nomination
4) Padre101/DS/No LOA/Appt. Oct. 24. 2016/N0t Yet Accepted/VA-POTUS/Presidential Nomination
5) GregInMD/DD/LOA/Appt. Oct 24, 2016/Accepted/MD/Senator Nomination
6) Navyboy17/(Self)/No LOA/ Appt. Oct 27, 2016/Accepted/KS/Senator Nomination
7) Johnathan/DS/No LOA/Appt. Oct 28, 2016/Accepted/NC/JROTC Nomination
8) USNAhopeful21/(Self)/No LOA/ Appt. Oct. 3, 2016/Accepted/NC/JROTC Nomination
9) Nav21/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Oct. 28, 2016/Accepted/AL-POTUS/Presidential Nomination
10) FloridaToUSMA2021/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Dec. 1, 2016/Accepted/FL/Congressional Nomination
11) USNA2021_Dad/DS/No LOA/Appt. Dec. 3, 2016/Accepted/CO/Congressional
12) Sandra614/ DS/ No LOA/ Appt. Nov. 27, 2016/Not Yet Accepted/FL/Congressional
13) IRow2021/(Self)/ LOA/ Appt. Dec. 2, 2016/ Accepted/NC/JROTC Nomination
14) Schul542/ (self)/ LOA/ Appt. Dec. 7, 2016/ Not Yet Accepted/ IL/ Senator Nomination
15) Nosnow/DS/LOA/Appt. Dec.7, 2016/Accepted/AZ/Congressional Nomination
16) laxer98/(Self)/LOA/Appt. Dec. 7, 2016/Not Yet Accepted/MD/Congressional Nomination
17) tmanbrin / self / No LOA / Appt. Dec. 7, 2016 / Accepted / CO / Senator Nomination
18)Gonavy21/DS/LOA/Appt. Dec.7, 2016/ Accepted /GA/Congressional Nomination
19)Midgirl2021/DD/LOA/Appt. Dec.7,2016/Will Accept/NY/Congressional Nomination
20) runxc8/Self/LOA/Appt. Nov. 23, 2016/Accepted/IN/Congressional Nomination
21) candidate1999/Self/LOA/Appt. Dec. 14, 2016/Plan to Accept/GA/Congressional Nomination
22)priscmcd/DS//LOA/Appt. Dec 14, 2016/Accepted/CA/Senator Nomination
If you don't mind me asking: How has DS already received a Senator Nomination in CA? Boxer and Feinstein don't announce/interview until January.
Senator Boxer had interviews on 11/19, Sen Feinstein on 12/3. Those who received noms from Feinstein were contacted by phone yesterday 12/14.
DS also received his offer of appointment through email yesterday.
May I know from which MI congressman/woman did you get your nomination from?Misnipe/DD/No LOA/Appt. 12/16/16/Plan to accept/MI/Congressional
Candice MillerMay I know from which MI congressman/woman did you get your nomination from?
Congrats to your daughter! Can I ask which MI district and how long ago did she receive her nom?Misnipe/DD/No LOA/Appt. 12/16/16/Plan to accept/MI/Congressional