Dad Joke thread (everybody welcome)

A slice of pie costs the U.S. equivalent of $1.25 In Jamaica
A slice of pie costs the U.S. equivalent of $5.00 In the Cayman Islands
A slice of pie costs the U.S. equivalent of $2.80 In The Bahamas
A slice of pie costs the U.S. equivalent of $2.45 In The Dominican Republic

Those are some of the PIE RATES of the CARIBBEAN.
I was in a Peek-a-Boo accident and to make matters worse, they took me to the ICU.

(Don't text this to anybody, because you'll get a response like "OMG ! Are You OKAY???????") :biggrin:
Little Johnny asks his father:
"Where does the wind come from?"

"I don't know."

"Why do dogs bark?"

"I don't know."

"Why is the earth round?"

"I don't know."

"Does it disturb you that I ask so much?"

"No son. Please ask. Otherwise you will never learn anything."