
Jul 18, 2019
Can cadets take the Army Combatives Courses as part of summer training? Has anyone ever heard of cadets going to these courses?
I don't' know if you can but not sure if this would be the best use of the course. At most you will spent 1-2 years in a company whereas a noncommissioned officer will be in the company anywhere from 3-10 years depending on the organization and so that is who I would send so they can be my level 2 and 3 trainers. These courses tend to be capped with the number of seats so commanders need to weight who is the right person that will best benefit the Army by attending. As a cadet/ future platoon leader your focus is more on the additional duties of supply, communications, arms room and maintenance.
To answer your question, no I do not believe the combative courses are offered to cadets.

Once you commission, as an officer you will learn the combatives you need to in your branch BOLC. DS attended engineering BOLC and had a weeks worth of combative training.

I agree with the above, your NCO's will be your company or unit trainers, not you as an officer.