Still's murmur is an innocent heart murmur and is not always heard. If a healthcare provider hears a murmur they can't lie and say they didn't hear it. So maybe don't be so quick to jump to conclusions about what a professional documents regarding a physical exam?
I wasn't trying to assume the case this person has. Just trying to state a possibility. She'd never had anybody tell her she had a heart murmur before, and I understand that health care officials can't lie. The second doctor she saw told her that she absolutely did not have one. Just thinking this might be what's going on here.
The ability to hear a heart murmur varies between examiners, as well as the tendency to "joust", or slander other examiners. I was granted the burden of hearing murmurs when others cannot - hundreds of times - believe it or not. I will dispense with the interesting tidbits and move on to solution:
1) Tonight google your closest OUTPATIENT ECHOCARDIOGRAM outfit.
2) Monday, Arrive at their front door 10 minutes before they open with $700 cash in your pocket and no caffeine in your system.
3) When they open, announce to the receptionist that you are a FUTURE WEST POINTER AND your intent to obtain an echocardiogram, approved by your Service Academy Friendly Physician, who you are positive will fax them his order within ten minutes.
4) Produce your Insurance Card Coverage and pay ANYTHING THEY ASk.
5) When they tell you they have no openings, ask if you can sit in the waiting room in case a slot opens.
6) Sooner or later they will run you through.
7) Badger receptionist for a hard copy report.... "today, if at all possible, please"!
8) Pop in to your primary care office and explain the debacle, and ask for a GLOWING report to include your (hopefully) normal echo report for your friends at DODMERB!!
that's what i would do.