Could you specify what a blue Chip is? I like on the west coast and the academy is paying for me to fly over and meet the coaches, the team and watch a meetThere are lots of previous threads on this. The answer is it depends. There are different levels of being recruited. ‘Blue chips’ tend to be the most highly sought after. A coach showing some interest and giving an endorsement could mean many things. Blue chip label is the highest and the lowest would be a coach saying they are interested but not pushing for you at admissions. An endorsement could help, but it’s hard to say.
Questions, my son was offered a scholarship. He turned in his ACT scores in early October. In mid October he received a call offering him a scholarship. He was scheduled to do early signing, the day before he was to sign he got a call from his recruiter. Saying his scores were I little low. We immediately signed him up to retest. However his test date is in February can he still turn his test scores in after January 31 everything else has been completed?
Questions, my son was offered a scholarship.
He was scheduled to do early signing, the day before he was to sign he got a call from his recruiter.
However his test date is in February can he still turn his test scores in after January 31 everything else has been completed?
Questions, my son was offered a scholarship.
Do you mean a Foundation scholarship? NAPS?
He was scheduled to do early signing, the day before he was to sign he got a call from his recruiter.
Do you mean his Regional Director at USNA? His Blue & Gold Officer?'
However his test date is in February can he still turn his test scores in after January 31 everything else has been completed?
I believe USNA accepts scores after Jan. 31 for tests taken prior to that date (if that's when the scores are released). However, I don't believe that tests taken after Jan. 31 count for this year.
If your DS has been offered a Foundation scholarship, then there is no need to retake the ACT/SAT at this point. If you are talking about some other type of scholarship, there may be a "need" to retake the standardized tests, but the answer remains the same in that it is now too late.
I apologize for not knowing all the right terminology Scholarship vs Appointment.
I apologize for not knowing all the right terminology Scholarship vs Appointment.
What I do know is one of Navy’s football coaches came to his school in October and asked him if he would like to play for Navy. He said yes, and at that time he verbally committed. He had sent his test scores and GPA in before he was asked to play for Navy.
Here lays the problem he wasn’t told that is scores were low until December so the soonest he could test now is February 10th. If he would have been notified in October he could have tested in December or January. So from what I’m hearing is he’s going to be testing to late. I’m upset because I feel they the coaches dropped the ball on this. I’ve contacted other schools that wanted him and they have filed their spots. I apologize If it sounds like I’m venting. The coach said he would be contacting us this week. I need to know if there’s anything I could do say or ask. That could help. I thought that what NAPS was for kids like my son.
I’m upset because I feel they the coaches dropped the ball on this.
Just my two cents.It’s not about playing football. It’s about a lot more. Yes serving his Country the education and the opportunity after. Football is just a vessel to help him. He’s had a lot of other offers that he turned down.
1. My son is 17 yrs old and yes it is up to the coaches to do their jobs.Just my two cents.It’s not about playing football. It’s about a lot more. Yes serving his Country the education and the opportunity after. Football is just a vessel to help him. He’s had a lot of other offers that he turned down.
- "I’m upset because I feel they the coaches dropped the ball on this." Please do not get on the coaches, this is detrimental to your son. Will you blame his superiors if there is a problem in the future? He needs to take responsibility for this situation and talk with the coaches.
- "verbally committed" and "Signing" At the service acadmies there is no signing and athletes from all over the country verbally commit the decide no that is not where I want to go and change their mind. At the service academies there are no scholarships.
- "Low scores and NAPS" If you son has low test scores and is a direct report he may struggle academically. Remember in addition to the academics he will be a varsity athlete. Naps is always an option and may be a good option for your son.
. Yes there is a signing. On February 7th athletes from all over the country will sign. Their national letter of intent.That includes those that intend on playing for the Academy.