I will share the story of my son. I researched this very carefully and would not have even applied for a scholarship if I did not think we could get cleared. And full disclaimer- if you need meds to function, by all means to it and choose a different career path. Happiness and success are important, and your health comes first. BUT- if you don't need meds, don't take them! Be a 3.5 kid instead of a 4.0 kid. My son was diagnosed in grade school, and used drug off an on. He used them even less in middle school, and not in high school. When he first wanted to apply for
ROTC scholarship, I researched the DODMERB criteria carefully. You must fill the following criteria- No IEP or accommodations since age 14. No co morbidities. No cumulative use , Or PRESCRIPTION of meds more than 24 months over the age of 14. No meds in last 12 months. Able to maintain GPA off meds. Able to pass service specific testing. Documentation from original provider stating drugs not needed. So- beginning about 6 months before the ROTC boards, I started by taking my son back to the original provider so it all this could be documented. My son is a 3 year winner. As soon as we heard he was a winner, I called the provider back and asked him to write a memo. I took this memo to his medical exam. I also had my son repeat these criteria on his medical form. Basically, we did our own remedial! We got word two weeks ago that he is medically cleared! We wrote on the medical form all these things, and that he met the medical accession criteria for DoDMERB. I am thankful to this forum and Pima and ClarksonArmy for their assistance and suggestions and I was wise enough to do my homework. Also, this is one area NOT to leave to your DD or DS. You have to be involved to make it happen. I hope this can help others. I lost a lot of sleep until we got that clearance!