Unfortunately, you're probably going to have to report this to DODMERB.
On the plus side, the fibula is not the primary weight-bearing bone in your lower leg. It's function is primarily for muscle attachment.
I'm guessing is a the most benign fracture in that it involved the most distal portion of the fibula? If it was any worse, you would have said surgery was required to immobilize the fracture. I'm assuming you've seen the orthopedic surgeon.
As someone said earlier, those heal relatively fast. In fact, many people fracture the very distal end of the fibula, don't know about it, and go about their normal activity. Walking doesn't hurt much because it's not a primary weight-bearing bone.
Follow the rehab plan closely. Don't try to overdo it and speed it up your recovery. Doing so risks making things worse.
Good luck to you, and thank you for wanting to serve our country.