Let me add a couple things.
While the NEEDS of the military do come first, there are many jobs that have pseudo prerequisites. E.g. don’t expect to get a job as an engineer, if your major was in history, and you got a “C” in the couple of engineering classes required by all students. Not saying it’s not possible..... just much more difficult and unlikely.
Also, some jobs, like the CRO you are interested in, as well as STO, and others in the Special Ops community, go way beyond the military needs or what you want. There’s a screening process that is quite extensive. My son is a STO. Many individuals applied for this job. Of all of them, they only select about 25-28 to even TRY OUT. If you put in for this, you’ll have a chance to apply and POSSIBLY Try Out, your senior year at the academy. Of the 25-28 who are selected to try out, only about 10-12 make it through the try outs and don’t quit. Of those 10 or so, only about 5 are actually selected to enter the pipe line to become a STO. Then there’s about 2 1/2 years of multiple stages of training, where many people get cut or quit.
If you don’t make the first cut of 5 or so out of the 25-28 offered a chance to try out, chances are that you’ll be given a different job on your “Dream Sheet” at the academy. It’s rare to get a second chance to try out. My son didn’t make it his first try, but he was in graduate school after the academy, so being he was still in training, and not learning a JOB yet, they allowed he to try again. He did make it the 2nd time around.
Anyway, I was elaborating on the special ops jobs, because that’s what you’re interested in. While my son is in fact a STO, and the Air Force definitely wants people in that job, there’s LESS than 100 STOs in the Air Force. The requirements are to demanding to just fill slots.
There are some jobs, where your degree has no impact. Basically, your class rank at the academy has no impact. Certain jobs like a Pilot. Basically, if you want pilot, graduate, qualify physically, and aren’t a screwup, you can pretty much guarantee a pilot slots. However, once at UPT, how you perform there will determine if you keep a pilot slot, and whether you’ll fly fighters, cargo, refuelers, choppers, etc.
Best of luck