However; and I'm definitely NOT CONDONING WEARING JEANS to your MOC, ALO, or any other interview; each person is different and some have to attitude and surroundings to pull it off. Not saying that jeans are OK; but that with the RIGHT ATTITUDE and CONFIDENCE, a person can pull of a MOC/ALO interview in a bathing suit. A perfect example was a MOC interview a couple of years ago. Doesn't matter the person's name. In our state; Wyoming; Jeans are very much the norm for everything. In many parts, weddings are still attended by people in "NICE" jeans and jackets. Not uncommon to see our rep and senators; and even governor in Jeans. Obviously they aren't always like this. However; there was the one applicant who came in for an interview in NICE jeans, shirt, tie, and jacket. (The senator told me). This applicant however had the confidence (Not arrogance); pride, passion, determination, patriotism, experience, grades, volunteer, skills, etc... You name it and this person walked on water. Not just in his actions but in his presentation. From what the senator told me; this person could speak and present himself in such a way that you wouldn't have any idea what they were wearing.
So I'm not mentioning this to say it's OK to wear Jeans. I'm saying this to say that getting the nomination goes so far beyond what you are wearing. By the time the interview comes; it's TOO LATE to change your grades, SAT/ACT, sports, community involvement, bla bla bla. In other words, on the day of the interview, it's too late to change ANYTHING. There are only 2 things you have control over on interview day. The first impression you give when they LOOK AT YOU; and the VALIDATION FACTOR when you open your mouth. When you open your mouth, you will validate any and all impressions the interviewer has of you. You can change negative impressions, you can impress them, you can validate negative impressions, etc... It's all in your hands. But even if you are the most professional looking applicant walking in those doors, it DOESN'T GET VALIDATED until you open your mouth. This is the JOB INTERVIEW of your life. Make it count. Maybe you can't afford a $300-$500 suit. Maybe all you can do is a nice pair of pants (Sunday Church) with a nice shirt and tie. That's OK. The way you look POSITIVELY; will count for about 10% of your interview. The way you look NEGATIVELY will count for about 50% of your interview. But what you do when you open your mouth; the passion; the excitement; the dedication; etc... that is presented; will take that 10-50% and turn it into 80% GOOD or BAD. The other 20% will be your actual record. This is the same in all job interviews, review boards, promotion boards, etc... Military and civilian. This is how the interview process works. best of luck... Mike....