^^^1985 Is right, just make your packet the best.
The SA's and any college for that fact want the most well rounded student possible. That means, take the most demanding courses and do well, volunteer in your community, be active in sports and school. The USNA is geared towards engineering, so make sure you have a strong math and science background and great SATs.
For every vacant spot, an MOC can nom 10 people, yet, the Academy can only appoint 1 person for that spot. I recall last yr on the boards, there was a child from Maine who had 3 noms, but did not receive an appt. That is why you need to have the best packet.
Some states the MOCs do not deconflict with ea other and it is possible to get 3 noms, 4 if you get President. Some states, such as NY state if you have a nom from 1 MOC do not expect a 2nd or 3rd. The reason is to spread the wealth. I believe VA is the same. Also in some states they ask you to rank the order of your SA choices, NC & CO does this. You can get 3 noms from NC, but 1 could be for the AFA, 1 for USNA, and 1 for USMA. or all 3 could be for 1 particular SA. SO beware, chose wisely, you might get a nom, but it could be for an SA that wasn't your 1st choice. Our friends DS got a nom for the AFA, but not the USNA(he had an LOA), which was his 1st choice. Luckily the person who got the nom to USNA, swapped with this child. Both are now at the SA's of their 1st choice
You have a long haul ahead of you, and who knows what the competition might be in 3 yrs from now. There could be less, there could be more. Look back in 01, after 9-11 many people decided that they wanted to serve, thus the competition became tougher to get in, nobody could have foreseen that. Yet, for people like you, you are already plugged in and are working towards your goal which should make you more competitive.
Finally, remember people will tell you to have a back-up plan, apply for ROTC scholarship. You have grown as a person for the last 3 yrs, you will continue to grow for the next 3, and you will definetly mature at the SA. Just be realistic to what your goal is and how to attain it.
Nobody knows your scholastic or athletic background, but I agree with everyone else don't assume anything! Do what you can to make your packet the best it can be, and leave the rest to fate!