President Trump's national security adviser resigns.


Jan 10, 2017
Retired Army Lt. general Michael Flynn Resigns from being Trumps national security adviser because of accusations the he will be easily blackmailed by Russia due to his relationships before position. I think Trump forced him to resign.
Not sure you can blame the president on this one. The General apparently did it to himself.
Not sure you can blame the president on this one. The General apparently did it to himself.

You can try to compartmentalize the damage, but the question now arises: what did Pres. Trump know and when did he know it? Acting Attorney General Sally Yates told the White House that Flynn had been compromised and was subject to Russian blackmail, but Trump did nothing. Oh, that's not quite true, Trump fired Yates.

Only five more days and William Henry Harrison's record for briefest longevity will be safe once again.
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If folks think the Russia story started with Gen. Flynn's phone call(s) to the Russian Ambassador on Dec 29, they are mistaken. The Trump Administration will do its level best to keep the focus on the post Dec 29 timeline. There are years of narrative leading up to that moment. The White House will definitely try to divert attention away from it.

Are we to assume that Flynn, a military man, operated alone and on his own, with the approval of his boss?
If folks think the Russia story started with Gen. Flynn's phone call(s) to the Russian Ambassador on Dec 29, they are mistaken. The Trump Administration will do its level best to keep the focus on the post Dec 29 timeline. There are years of narrative leading up to that moment. The White House will definitely try to divert attention away from it.

Are we to assume that Flynn, a military man, operated alone and on his own, with the approval of his boss?

Let me count the ways: Scandal one, . . .
Totally amazed by the comments here. Wow!

EDIT: I decided to add, mainly in jest but also as an observation.... I hope this isn't what winning looks like! I want more winning. He's certainly facing tough sledding and at least some of it is his fault. The media doesn't help though by being ready to leave the country whenever he tweets.
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Totally amazed by the comments here. Wow!

EDIT: I decided to add, mainly in jest but also as an observation.... I hope this isn't what winning looks like! I want more winning. He's certainly facing tough sledding and at least some of it is his fault. The media doesn't help though by being ready to leave the country whenever he tweets.

What does winning look like to you? What does that term actually mean in the context of supranational problems and an increasingly digital-plus-service economy?
As someone who makes his living by working with and for "the media" I have to say all these outlets are merely hive mind echo chambers that exist to sell products.
All the blabbing does is keep the commercials from bumping into each other.
The days of Walter, Chet, and David are long gone.
If you rely on an aggregated news service that feeds you more of what you already have seen your point of view will get skewed and narrow.
Another time when a private citizen spoke with foreign government officials:

The difference between candidates speaking, in public, to governments of allies (Germany, UK, etc by Obama; Israel, UK, Poland by Romney, etc.) is that they are ALLIES.

Not secretive, behind the scenes talks with hostile nations like Russia ---- which apparently Flynn felt was so bad he had to lie about it to Vice President Pence.

Of course, maybe I'm wrong and the democracies of planet earth (which would not exist without the US) are the REAL enemies while the wanna-be-Tsars and autocrats and murderers of journalists and dissidents are our FRIENDS?
Whatever anyone says about Michael Pence's political career, agree or disagree with his policies, he's never been accused of dishonesty. Just look his tax returns that he released last year. He's a straight shooter.

Since nobody has accused, or even hinted, that Pence was lying when he repeated Michael Flynn's prior (later disproved) statements, I given VP Pence the benefit of the doubt.
Pence will not lie for Trump. He knows he needs to maintain credibility in the event Trump is constitutionally removed from office.