Thank you so much for the matter of fact assessment! Ive been told before that if you want to go AD its better to do straight deck. Is that true? I'm still very up in the air about the AD vs Sailing decision but id rather the info now.
I think some people will say that because most people think going straight deck is the easiest path to the best GPA. I disagree, the easiest path to the best GPA is to pick the major you enjoy the most.
Also keep in mind that AD accessions is a moving target. What they are looking for will be different next year than it was this year and will be different still the year after that ... wash, rinse repeat. The numbers will be different, the communities targeted will be different and the gene pool you are competing against will be different. My advice would be to not over analyze it, enjoy your KP time as much as you can and study the thing that you would be interested in the most if AD isn't an option and let the chips fall where they may.
Don't expect clarity on career decisions at this point. I knew plenty of people who went in to KP planning for AD but ended up sailing and some people who planned on sailing and ended up AD. You just never know at this point.