I have received an LOA last week for USNA. The only issue is that I might have compartment syndrome in my legs, and if so, I would need surgery for them down the line. The issue is that I really want to go to the academy but I don't want something like this stopping my dream as a whole (especially when I worked this hard up to this point). I have heard about the 6 month before I-day surgery rule which is reassuring, but I was reading somewhere that compartment syndrome is a nonwaivable condition for the Navy in general even though it completely resolves the issue and allows you to run at full pace again. Of course, I wouldn't lie and have it done without telling DODMERB or USNA because that's wrong on so many levels, but at the same time, I don't want my dream to be over. Does anyone have any clue for how to go about this? I have completed my dodmerb physical a while ago and should be fine to get qualified with my current status, but if I do get the surgery, I know my situation will be completely different. Please help if you can.
I have received an LOA last week for USNA. The only issue is that I might have compartment syndrome in my legs, and if so, I would need surgery for them down the line. The issue is that I really want to go to the academy but I don't want something like this stopping my dream as a whole (especially when I worked this hard up to this point). I have heard about the 6 month before I-day surgery rule which is reassuring, but I was reading somewhere that compartment syndrome is a nonwaivable condition for the Navy in general even though it completely resolves the issue and allows you to run at full pace again. Of course, I wouldn't lie and have it done without telling DODMERB or USNA because that's wrong on so many levels, but at the same time, I don't want my dream to be over. Does anyone have any clue for how to go about this? I have completed my dodmerb physical a while ago and should be fine to get qualified with my current status, but if I do get the surgery, I know my situation will be completely different. Please help if you can.
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