Trump removes JCS and DNI from National Security Council

Would you please post a newslink, thx.
.....And the National Security Council is not the "Intelligence Apprentice" Reality Show. I think the Dog and Pony have even decided they don't want to be a part of this show.

What does President Trump need the NSC for?

He already knows "more about ISIS than Generals do." They'll do what he tells them. "They won't refuse," when it's time to "bomb the $h!+ out of ISIS."

He knows about Russia thanks to the bankrollers of Trump SoHo and Lt. Gen. Flynn, a paid consultant for RT (Russia Today). He knows Putin won't make a move into Ukraine. "He's not going into Ukraine, OK, just so you understand. He's not going to go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down. You can put it down. You can take it anywhere you want."

Peace in the Middle East? Problem all but solved. Jared Kushner, financier of Jewish Settlements in West Bank is on the case. "Ya know what, Jared is such a good kid and he’ll make a deal with Israel that no one else can. Ya know he’s a natural, he’s a great deal, he’s a natural — ya know what I was talking about, natural — he’s a natural deal-maker — everyone likes him.”

Mexico? Done. Taken care of.

NATO? "Obsolete."

Look at his ratings!
Worth a read . . .

Eliot A. Cohen Responds to Donald Trump's First Week
The Atlantic

There should be nothing surprising about what Donald Trump has done in his first week—but he has underestimated the resilience of Americans and their institutions. Read the full story
This is what you get when you allow a Draft Dodger to become President. Didn't show judgment then, isn't showing judgment now.​
I have always trusted in The U.S. Constitution to see us through anything.

This is a severe taxing of that trust.
Not taking either side of this debate, but thought I would provide a link to a fairly comprehensive "paper" about the federal advisory council known as the NSC.

As I read this thread, I wanted to know more about what the NSC is, was, intended to be, and its history, since the topic of this thread seems to be eliciting such "horror". The attached document, I felt, was impartially informative; a stark contrast to what we see in the news media.

I thought it was quite interesting to see that the NSC has changed and evolved many times, since its inception in 1947, concerning statutory and non-statutory members, responsibilities, etc. based on each president's want or need and current US and global state of affairs.

Just a heads up, the paper is 40 pages long.
From here:
White House chief of staff Reince Priebus denied on Sunday that Donald Trump had removed two top defense officials from regular seats on the National Security Council in a reshuffle that expanded the influence of senior adviser Steve Bannon.

On Saturday, Trump signed a memorandum that gave Bannon a seat on the “principals committee” of cabinet members who shape US foreign and defense policy. The memo also relegated the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, two of Washington’s highest defense officials, off the principals committee.

Instead, the memo said, the chairman and the director would attend only meetings “where issues pertaining to their responsibilities and expertise are to be discussed”.

On Sunday, Priebus said the defense chiefs would in fact be invited to all meetings. “They’re included as attendees any time that they want to be included,” he told NBC’s Meet The Press.

I can't imagine anyone keeping Mattis out of a meeting he wanted to attend.
^ Agree. My understanding is that these two positions are no longer statutory, but doesn't say they cannot attend.
The issue is that by removing them from the Principals Committee (where Obama had them with the "shall" language) the NSC is now free to meet without any input from the CJCS or the DNI (not much useful historical context for DNI as it's a post-9/11 creation atop the IC).

The former executive of a fake news site now gets to be the biggest voice in POTUS' ear about how your children are employed as a tool of the republic. I hope Trump voters on this site feel a bit of that metallic twinge of fear on their tongues.

If not, read a bit more about Bannon...