What happens if you are diagnosed with HIV in NROTC?


New Member
May 31, 2023
Hey y’all. Quick hypothetical question. What happens, if I get diagnosed with HIV while on an NROTC scholarship. What would happen to my career? Would I have pay the scholarship money back? Any clarification helps, thanks.
Hey y’all. Quick hypothetical question. What happens, if I get diagnosed with HIV while on an NROTC scholarship. What would happen to my career? Would I have pay the scholarship money back? Any clarification helps, thanks.
Is this hypothetical, or are you asking for a friend?
In the big picture, it goes into the pool of individual medical situations that arise: USNA just graduated a Midshipman who lost his sight during his tenure there.

What happens in specific medical situations, ie: HIV? No clue.

Anecdotally, from stories I’ve seen, medical separations aren’t *generally* required to pay back their scholarship money. I have no specific knowledge, however.
If hypothetical, advise your friend regarding safe sex. If not hypothetical, advise that they report it as they would any other serious injury or illness - and advise them regarding safe sex. I think HIV is a disqualifying condition for commissioning. Consult NROTC leadership for a thorough and accurate answer.
To back up what @Capt MJ said, in my experience a medical disenrollment of a cadet has never resulted in the recoupment of the scholarship. However, I speak from the Army side. I don't see the Navy doing any differently in regards to a medical condition.