This is a 20th C tale of wisdom teeth. The summer before I reported into Navy OCS, and just after college graduation, I saw my childhood dentist. He was a former Army dentist. I told him what I was doing, and he laughed and immediately said, "let's get your wisdom teeth done the easy way." He noted at some point they would need to come out, because of the military's penchant for a preventive strategy. It would be more comfortable getting them done in advance, then trying to be active in a military training setting. In my case, he was right. Down the road, he could see they would be a problem. Did 'em two at a time, left side then right, spaced three weeks apart.
It is not a terrible thing to get them done at the SA. Many of our USNA mids got theirs done right there at the Brigade Dental Clinic. It usually seems to be late in the week, geared to a weekend recovery. The key is when during the semester - you don't want to be dealing with certain academic things or PE or PFT things just after dental surgery. They get through it. Just another hassle. Not everyone needs it. My sense is they (Big Dental) are less draconian these days.