I have been lucky to receive a direct appointment to USAFA for the class of 2024 and an offer to the Naval Academy Prep School. The extra year at NAPS is not a factor in my decision. I would love to go to either academy, so I am basing my decision on what I will do in the Navy or Air Force after...
Coast Guard pilots/aviators do earn their "wings of gold," so I am told. Are they considered "naval aviators" in the way that Navy and USMC pilots are? I've heard that they are considered "maritime aviators" from this forum before. From what I understand, Coast Guard pilots conduct ship...
I am a HS senior and I want to fly in the military. To keep things simple I know that the Marine Corps has PLC and you can get a guaranteed aviation contract. I also know it is possible to get selected as a pilot with AFROTC. Is it possible to be in both at the same time and choose one before I...
I'm a junior in high school beginning my application process to USAFA. My goal is to become a fighter pilot for the USAF. I wanted to know what the process is like to become a fighter pilot (or USAF pilot in general) upon graduation of the academy.
Also, I had questions about my "resume" and...
So I was an idiot (own words) to think I'd never regret not doing my rated physical at USAFA. I've always seemed to have a different path than others who end up on the same road though. So my situation is below. If any cadets are at USAFA reading this, do the rated physical! They will not force...
I am a pilot hopeful in the class of 2022. As of now I'm ranked high enough to be competitive for an ENJJPT slot but my afoqt scores were pretty awful:
Pilot: 31
Navigator: 21
Ac. Apt: 55
Verbal: 35
Quantitative: 75
I'm above the minimums at least, but I grossly underestimated how much time...
So, first and foremost, Hello to all who will be reading this post. This post is pretty much about my story and thoughts on what anyone thinks. To start, I must remind you all that nobody is perfect and we all have made decisions that we are not proud of, but to contradict that statement, I do...
I plan on doing ROTC and really have my heart set on fighters, so I'm wondering if NROTC is a better choice to ensure a fighter slot because of the limited number of heavies the navy has? My understanding after talking with a family friend was that doing AFROTC will increase my chances of...
I'm a 300 level (Junior in college) cadet in AFROTC. I graduated field training in the top 3rd with a rated slot but ultimately told my commander that I wanted to do engineering so I didn't actually go for a rated position.
As rated boards are coming out, I am regretting not going for it. While...
I'm a senior in Air Force ROTC, and I'm commissioning this upcoming May 2019. I got a pilot slot which is very exciting of course, but my EAD isn't until March 2020, so I have 10 months to fill, and I have no idea what to do until that date. I've been applying for jobs and all that, but it's not...
Hello, so I just graduated, commissioned, got my pilot slot, passed flight physical, got my security clearance and am now waiting to EAD. I got two questions,
One: I am curious if by the time I go to UPT (presumably starting the summer of 2019) will I be able to track F-35/F-22 directly? Or...
I would like to be a pilot in the military. I will be starting at a university in a few months and I am trying to weigh my options. I am quite interested in AFROTC, but, I don't like the uncertainty of getting a pilot slot. A few weeks ago I found out about the Guaranteed pilot slot through USMC...
Hello, I am a high school junior and am going to be applying to USAFA and USNA. I would like to major in aerospace engineering and was wondering which academy has a better aerospace engineering program. Also, I was wondering what types of jobs a cadet majoring in aerospace engineering...
I have decided to go to NROTC as a Computer Science and Engineering major at a large midwestern university with hopes of getting a pilot slot upon graduation. I decided to go with this program instead of AFROTC because the Navy has jobs that I find more interesting in the event that I do not...
As I write my admissions essays, I have a few questions regarding some of the content.
For the first question, Why might a person wish to join the Coast Guard Academy? Besides the standard generalizations of free education, and a great career, I feel as if I can't give a lot of reasoning as to...
Wondering if I can get some insight on how competitive I am for the next board date in January. I scored well on my AFOQT, Pilot 88, Nav 83, Acad Aptitude 95, Verbal 92, Quant 90. The TBAS was okay; the directional orientation was cake, the horizontal and vertical tracking was fine, and I...
I am a 4/c navy option midshipman and I am having second guesses about my mechanical engineering major. I am decent at the math, but am not particularly drawn into the upper division topics (statics, materials, thermals, blech). My reasons for choosing the major are more extrinsic and related...
Hello, I'm in a bit of a unique situation and am really clueless when it comes to this but I has a single disqualification on my DoDMERB because I have ADHD. However, I take a prescription that basically makes me perfectly normal and my ADHD does not effect me. The situation is that I'm in...
I will be enrolling in NROTC in the fall with the hopes of one day becoming a fighter pilot. Flying jets is my biggest motivation, but, I chose the Navy because, put simply, I would prefer working elsewear in the Navy than in the Air Force, and because I have an all around better impression of...