Accepted but no BFE?


New Member
Feb 26, 2018
A little over a week ago I received emails, phone calls, and letters from both of my congressmen that nominated me saying I was receiving an appointment to the Naval Academy. A few days after that I got the official email from the school and have already accepted the offer. However, I have not received my BFE in the mail. When should that come? I'm super excited and kind of impatient, I want to be holding that thing in my hand! That's when it'll really start to sink in.
A little over a week ago I received emails, phone calls, and letters from both of my congressmen that nominated me saying I was receiving an appointment to the Naval Academy. A few days after that I got the official email from the school and have already accepted the offer. However, I have not received my BFE in the mail. When should that come? I'm super excited and kind of impatient, I want to be holding that thing in my hand! That's when it'll really start to sink in.

Certificate (hard cover offer) will come in the next few weeks. Be patient.
It comes in Snail Mail. Have patience as you will have lots of paperwork. Good Luck. Make copies of everything and keep it in a folder for down the road.
Meanwhile, keep up the good work in school, work out, stay fit and healthy. Be safe!
We received the official appointment in the mail, the blue folder that you see all over social media. It was received 2 weeks to the day from DS’s portal rolling over his acceptance.

The next thing that comes is a big packet with all the paperwork that has to be filled out. As I understand that happens later in a mass mailing...permit to report stuff. We have not received that packet yet. Not looking for it until April maybe? DS accepted In December.
FWIW USMA sends the BFE with bound appointment certificate but USAFA does not unless you accept.
Congrats and enjoy the rest of your Senior year !
FWIW USMA sends the BFE with bound appointment certificate but USAFA does not unless you accept.
Congrats and enjoy the rest of your Senior year !
question for you?? do you know where we can see the SLE packing lists? DS has a very busy summer ahead of him. He can do it but it does need some organizations. we live in Florida, NASS to SLE (2 days apart) from west point to Florida boy state (less than 24hrs apart). need to see if not too expensive to just have the navy and west point packing done without washing and re-packing. I have the navy packing lists (from my DS #1). he didn't go to SLE went to NASS, boy state n AIM.
It's a folder with a certificate that says you are recognized with this "Certificate of Accomplishment"
for an "Offer of Appointment to the United States Naval Academy with the class of 2022".

My DS said "cool", and then tossed it in a pile with his other USNA papers.
It really didn't seem like such a big deal to any of us.
I guess the "relief phase" was already over, because he had accepted online.
It's a folder with a certificate that says you are recognized with this "Certificate of Accomplishment"
for an "Offer of Appointment to the United States Naval Academy with the class of 2022".

My DS said "cool", and then tossed it in a pile with his other USNA papers.
It really didn't seem like such a big deal to any of us.
I guess the "relief phase" was already over, because he had accepted online.

If it hasn't disappeared yet, definitely hold onto that somewhere. Seems kind of like another piece of paper now but he'll appreciate having it later on down the road.
While you wait, now is the time to start rounding up an "official" copy of your birth certificate, SS card, and immunization records. You will need them for the paperwork in the BFE. Ask your parents, they will have copies. If not, request them ASAP-it can take 6 weeks to get a registered copy of the birth certificate, depending on the county/state you were born.
Also apply for your passport if you do not have one. You might need it during Summer Block. Being restricted to a ship in a foreign port sucks.
Your parents should also check to see if their state issued ID is acceptable by US military installations. Otherwise, they will need a passport to gain entry when they drop you off IDay or visit later
Also apply for your passport if you do not have one. You might need it during Summer Block. Being restricted to a ship in a foreign port sucks.
Where are you getting this from? I served Thirty One years in the Navy and having a passport was NEVER a requirement to leave the ship in a foreign port. That might be true for a cruise ship but not for a US Navy vessel.
Military ID and orders are sufficient when on official business in other countries, but when you're traveling on leave and in civilian attire, you typically need to have a (tourist) passport. There are of course, no-fee military passports as well. Those are treated the same as Military ID and a copy of orders. As soon as you stop traveling for official business and start traveling for leisure, you have to switch from the no-fee military passport to the tourist passport.
The academy requires all mids to have passports nowadays. I don't think it's something you have to have coming in but I think when I was a 3/C or 2/C they made all mids who did not have a passport obtain one.
Military ID and orders are sufficient when on official business in other countries, but when you're traveling on leave and in civilian attire, you typically need to have a (tourist) passport. There are of course, no-fee military passports as well. Those are treated the same as Military ID and a copy of orders. As soon as you stop traveling for official business and start traveling for leisure, you have to switch from the no-fee military passport to the tourist passport.
On leave - yes but simply going off the ship on liberty in a foreign port does not require a passport.
USNA having 2nd or 3rd class mids get passports is to give them more flexibility later as officers do have needs to go places that require passports from time to time after graduation.
On leave - yes but simply going off the ship on liberty in a foreign port does not require a passport.
USNA having 2nd or 3rd class mids get passports is to give them more flexibility later as officers do have needs to go places that require passports from time to time after graduation.

DS embarked subs in Bahamas after Plebe year. He was told to bring his passport. It was stamped by Bahamas Immigration upon entry.
DS is class of 2020. He says Mids cannot be assigned any summer cruises outside of the US (OCONUS) unless he/she has a passport. Evidently, they are told that time and time again. So, if Mid wants to do a summer cruise outside the US.. they'll need a passport. They will actually have to enter the passport number into the Mids computer system. If the Mid doesn't have a passport by the time the cruise briefing takes place, the Mid is taken off the OCONUS cruise and reassigned. I'm also told the academy holds a "passport fair" to help Mids apply for one.
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