Ahhhh, the youth...young and impressionable time of life was sure a thing of beauty. Okay, time to wake up folks! Camaraderie and brotherhood will be found in any branch of the service, even in ROTC. I suppose if you spend days/weeks/months in a foxhole with someone, good chance that you'll be buds like Forrest and Bubba.

Seriously though, camaraderie and brotherhood just comes with the territory in any military environment. SA and college is just 4 years of your life. I can't stress enough--think long term & BIG picture! Where do you see yourself in the future and what do you want to do in the service? If you want to fly, think twice before you go Army or the Marine Corp. You will be a grunt officer before a pilot, meaning flying will be a secondary duty by a long shot. It's already bad enough in the Air Force, where your primary job title says "Pilot". I digress. Just think of the mission of each of the services and you can see where aviation fits into each one of them. "Air" Force...hmmmmm?! Sounds aviation and other things that fly in the air & space--think technology.
In regards to flying choppers... true, the Army/Marines/Navy have more rotary winged platforms than the Air Force. If your heart is set on flying choppers, it's not difficult at all to get choppers in the Air Force. With the exception of a very few (weird

) pilot candidates, most everyone attending SUPT wants a fixed wing.
You'll grow older and your priorities will change. Trust me, it'll happen. I would have given anything and sold my loved ones to fly airplanes for a living when I was young; nothing else mattered. Fortunately, things worked out for me and I got to fly but my priorities changed as I got older. If you ever want to get married and have a family, this too should be a factor in your decision making process. I'm not biassed because I was in the AF but of all the services, though not by a long shot, the Air Force offers the most family friendly environment overall, IMHO. I've worked/still work with many pilots from the different services and they will tell you the same.