OK, fencersmother weighs in:
Please, everyone, B.R.E.A.T.H.E.
There now. Don't you feel better? Instead of fussing, in mid-July, about one's status, which one may not learn until March or (keep breathing!)
even later, just
relax. You are on step 84 of about 1776 (see how I did that?). You will be up, be down, be mixed up (that's why you're visiting SAF practically
hourly). Make a wall calendar (putting your time to good use) with all deadlines, and I mean ALL, for the upcoming school year. Yes, high school stuff, games, band, whatever. Job. Sport. and
COLLEGE DEADLINES, including financial aid deadlines. In fact, make TWO calendars (and I mean WALL CALENDARS, not just for your computer or phone, but one you actually tape up to your wall, in the hall, in your room, in the den, etc) - make one for your personal use, and one (ok, a big one) that Mom & Dad can refer to regularly. Pencil and ink stuff in. Mom and Dad can't blame themselves now, nor blame YOU, if deadlines get missed, and you lose that $100,000 scholarship to Flagship State U.
What you should all be more concerned about is that Steeler Football starts August 11 against the Giants (pre-season though so who really cares?), with the Regular Season Sept 10th against the Browns (away), and the homeopener Sept 17 against the Vikings. OK.
Now, you have something to get excited about!!!!!