I am currently board ready for the 2nd board of the AROTC scholarship coming up. I have mixed feelings of my chances as my SAT score was below average (1210/1600) and had unconventional leadership roles through high school (through church/youth group, volunteer work, and part-time employment) that might not stand out on paper compared to the Eagle Scouts, class presidents, and NHS officers. Also, I ran my mile time VERY slow (7:59 minutes) due to a fibula fracture from football that I have just recovered from after 4 months of NO running at all. I do believe my PMS interview went pretty well, I have a 3.7 UW GPA (3.9W GPA), I will graduate with 42 community college credits, 3 football varsity letters, 8 years of piano, 150+ volunteer hours, 18+hour a week job, and the rest of my PFT was decent (50 push-ups and 53 sit-ups). So I think there still is a chance for me. Nevertheless, AROTC is my priority, not the scholarship. Being in the Army has been a goal in my life for a long time. I am just wondering what it will be like if I do not receive the scholarship and enter as an MS1? Will I have to stand out a little more than the cadets on scholarship in order to eventually earn a contract?