First off, I recommend the mods move this thread to either the "Military News" or "Off Topic" sections of the General Discussions. Not a big deal, but it's more appropriate for there.
Second, to actually answer your question:
Up to this point, Congress has authorized the AF to purchase 184 F-22s (that number was agreed to for a few years now). The last of these will roll of the assembly line at Lockheed Martin's Fort Worth Tx facility in the next couple of years. The AF has always argued that 184 F-22s just aren't enough to meet it's commitments in the current Defense Planning Guidance strategies (official big-wig document), and has requested more be made (anywere from 280 to 380 (ish), depending on the political climate and who is asking them for justification).
Well, in order to keep the Lockheed Martin line open for now, Congress has authorized the initial funding (and initial parts such as titanium and such) for the manufactor of 20 more F-22s. Assistant Secretary of Defense John Young (the guy in charge of Aquisitions and Requirements for the Pentagon) does NOT want to buy any more F-22s (thinks they are too expensive) and wouldn't release the funds to Lockheed to start the manufactor process of the first 4 of the 20 ordered. Congress grilled him on his decision (especially the Congressmen form the districts involved in F-22 manufactoring).
The whole thing (buy more F-22s or not) will be decided shortly after Obama takes office. Part of my job in the Pentagon was to provide Obama's transition team with information they requested on the whole thing, to include information onteh status of the F-35 buy, as that will impact readiness.
So, Bottom Line: 184 F-22s curently paid for, AF wants more, Congress allowing 20 more, Obama will decide if even this 20 more is a good idea or not shortly after taking over.
If i was a betting man, I would place quite a bit of my life savings on the number staying at 184....
Hope this answer wasn't too confusing!