Hello all,
I received a nomination/appointment for class of 2022 this past Friday and was given until May 1 to decide (~5 days). I attended summer seminar last summer and loved it. I made friends quick and told myself that if I got in, I would attend. Ive only been back one time since, and that was for a basketball game which was a fun time as it was cool to see the campus again. However, now that I have the choice in front of me, it is so hard for me to decide. If I am uncertain about something like an SA, is it not for me? My immediate family is not military so I feel like this could be a jump for me.
I have an option to do NROTC as well with a scholarship at an instate school. That was always my back up but since the nomination took so long to come, I thought that NROTC was my option and now I feel lost. I have goals to become an astronaut but I am flexible and I hope to find myself through whichever college experience I choose. I am nervous for the big transition and plebe summer but I know that after those six weeks and beyond, it will all be so worth it. Overall, I am unsure what to do now that I have all my options in front of me. I would feel terrible if I found it wasn’t for me and I took the opportunity away from someone who truly wanted it.
Just looking for expert advice—ASAP. Thanks in advance.
I received a nomination/appointment for class of 2022 this past Friday and was given until May 1 to decide (~5 days). I attended summer seminar last summer and loved it. I made friends quick and told myself that if I got in, I would attend. Ive only been back one time since, and that was for a basketball game which was a fun time as it was cool to see the campus again. However, now that I have the choice in front of me, it is so hard for me to decide. If I am uncertain about something like an SA, is it not for me? My immediate family is not military so I feel like this could be a jump for me.
I have an option to do NROTC as well with a scholarship at an instate school. That was always my back up but since the nomination took so long to come, I thought that NROTC was my option and now I feel lost. I have goals to become an astronaut but I am flexible and I hope to find myself through whichever college experience I choose. I am nervous for the big transition and plebe summer but I know that after those six weeks and beyond, it will all be so worth it. Overall, I am unsure what to do now that I have all my options in front of me. I would feel terrible if I found it wasn’t for me and I took the opportunity away from someone who truly wanted it.
Just looking for expert advice—ASAP. Thanks in advance.