Marine NROTC tips/advice


New Member
Jul 10, 2016
Hello whoever this may concern, I am very interested in getting an NROTC scholarship so I may attend college, serve my country, and use the Marines as a major stepping stone into my ultimate goal of becoming a DEA Special Agent. I would like advice on other things you, the readers, would recommend me get into or do to further my competitive edge over other applicants.

I am 15 years old

I am going to be a sophomore in high school

For sports I am doing water polo and swimming

I have kept straight A's so far in high school

I have recently joined the Tuesday night PT at my local recruiting office

I have taken leadership electives before and I'm thinking of trying for class president this year

I have been a Police Explorer for almost a year now and have racked up 100+ hours of community service in that period of time my goal is to do 100 hours a year so I have 400 by senior year

I have been working as a lifeguard

I'm going to attend a leadership camp hosted by the Marines next summer

I want to be a Police Service Aide my Junior year of high school

I still have a few years before I apply for the NROTC, and I would really appreciate it if someone were to tell me what they would also do along with what I'm already doing.

Crushing the PT test will get their attention. It will set you apart.
Attend Boys State between Junior and Senior year.
Make sure you do everything you can to get a 300 PFT. I was the average joe with the usual leadership stuff, but a 300 PFT put me above the playing field so to speak. Also, remember to always keep in mind why you want to get the scholarship. To clarify, it's not completely about you, but about serving your country and leading Marines. Good luck though, you sound motivated enough!
Thanks to everybody who replied, I will take the advice. I also met a guy who got awarded an NROTC scholarship and he's been giving me advice as well.