CONTRACTED ROTC 4-year scholarship winner approaching MS3 (assessment) year. I am a varsity rugby player and just found out that in the course of my fall season and the subsequent pushing through shoulder pain during PT that I have torn both the biceps tendon and labrum in my left shoulder. There is no way to tell whether the tears come directly from rugby or whether the sport was exacerbation and the tears occurred more recently during subsequent routine PT. These tears have occurred post-contracting and post-scholarship awarding, with no other history of injury to the shoulder. However, I have already received a DoD waiver for a herniated disk.
Under DoDI 6130.03, limited shoulder mobility is a cause for disqualification, as is "history of dislocation or instability" in the shoulder. Neither of these applies to me; this is a new, acute injury with a good prognosis for treatment and recovery.
As it stands, I see three choices: I can disclose this injury and receive either intensive PT or surgery to repair the tears. My orthopedist, physical therapist, and strength coach all recommend the latter; but either of these treatment options would improve the condition without violating the standards for shoulder mobility set forth in DoDI 6130.03. The third choice is to say nothing and continue with training. This would not improve the condition but if the injury is disqualifying then it is my only option.
I am looking for second opinions before I make any decisions about what, if anything, to disclose to my unit cadre. Does anyone have any experience with a similar injury?
EDIT: Even with this shoulder injury, which has persisted throughout the year, I have never failed an APFT and am able to maintain passing standards even with rudimentary function.
Under DoDI 6130.03, limited shoulder mobility is a cause for disqualification, as is "history of dislocation or instability" in the shoulder. Neither of these applies to me; this is a new, acute injury with a good prognosis for treatment and recovery.
As it stands, I see three choices: I can disclose this injury and receive either intensive PT or surgery to repair the tears. My orthopedist, physical therapist, and strength coach all recommend the latter; but either of these treatment options would improve the condition without violating the standards for shoulder mobility set forth in DoDI 6130.03. The third choice is to say nothing and continue with training. This would not improve the condition but if the injury is disqualifying then it is my only option.
I am looking for second opinions before I make any decisions about what, if anything, to disclose to my unit cadre. Does anyone have any experience with a similar injury?
EDIT: Even with this shoulder injury, which has persisted throughout the year, I have never failed an APFT and am able to maintain passing standards even with rudimentary function.
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