
  1. S

    NROTC Pre-Med Option

    Hi, I was wondering if there are any NROTC scholarship pre-med option recipients from the 2023-2024 year who could speak out on their experience so far? The pre-med op is extremely new so there is little to no info. I am especially curious how summer training would look, how many pre-med ops...
  2. O

    Can I Be Put on Academic Probation Despite Meeting Credit and GPA Requirements?

    Good afternoon, I just had a phone call with my MSG, and he is threatening to put me on academic probation for not maintaining full-time status. The problem is, this is incorrect. I was enrolled in 17 credits, but I had to withdraw from two classes due to a TA strike. So, while I still...
  3. G

    List of room and board scholarships for (N)ROTC scholarship winners

    Here is a link from NETC to a list of schools that provide room and board scholarships to NROTC scholarships winners. A large amount (most?) of these schools also offer these benefits to winners of AFROTC and ROTC scholarships. Be sure to check on the colleges website to make sure they still...
  4. vinyljaheemglasgow

    ARMY & NAVY ROTC R&B Incentives

  5. B

    Citadel Scholarship Program 23-24

    Hi all, I just had a few clarifying questions about The Citadel’s scholarship process, for the Scholars, Honors, 1842 etc. Are these scholarships awarded on an early/regular board, similar to ROTC scholarships? Or are all applications submitted and results announced in the spring? I’ve read...
  6. W

    Excess ROTC scholarship

    I am interested if there are any institutions that reimburse excess funds from an AROTC scholarship? As in the scholarship is "stacked" on top of already existing aid, and a check is cut of the excess money. Specifically Massachusetts's institutions would be great, as I do not know if it varies...
  7. revan32

    Changing to a different Technical Major in AFROTC

    Hello, I am currently on a Type 1 AFROTC scholarship with a Computer Science degree. However, I am not sure how future semesters will go due to not having much experience with programming. I was planning on switching to a Biochemistry and Biophysics major instead, since I am much more confident...
  8. V

    VMI funding, scholarships and more questions

    Hello. I am new here. I am a senior in high school looking to get into a senior military college. VMI is my favorite because of the majors it offers and the movie Field of Lost Shoe. Besides that, my step dad is naval academy graduate. He is retired now. This is why I want the military...
  9. H

    Waiver concerns from college programmer

    So here's my situation: I am currently a college programmer in NROTC that just applied for the scholarship. I had a 3.96 GPA my fall semester, am getting a similar GPA this semester, and have a 94 PRT score. I think my chances of getting scholarship are pretty decent, but I'm concerned that my...
  10. T

    Advanced Standing-College Programmer 4/C

    Hello everyone, I'm a 4/C Midshipman at Generic State University in the Midwest. For some context, I joined because I really want to earn a commission, and am passionate about the Navy. I grew up building model battleships and have always wanted to join. I wasn't selected for the four year...
  11. JohnMcLane

    NROTC Marine Option MO Board Results 2022-23

    My kid went through the 14-18 NOV 2022 board for the NROTC Marine Option scholarship (Region 6 if that is relevant?). I would love to hear when anyone gets results from this board and how they got them or if you have insight into when results will be released. This first board is the toughest...
  12. B

    ROTC Board Selection - Make a Difference?

    Hi, I am just starting my application for ROTC scholarship. (ARMY) I understand there are three different deadlines (Board Selections), and that the first one is October 7th. I actually don't know if I'm able to complete my entire app/interview before that, but I might be able too. I heard that...
  13. N

    Is the AFROTC HSSP Commander's Leadership Scholarship still a thing?

    With the new cutback on HSSP scholarships in favor of ICSP scholarships, there are very few HSSP scholarships compared to what it used to be. I've heard numbers as low as only 500 HSSP scholarships for next year. If this is true and if we assume each Commander at each of the 145 detachments has...
  14. S

    Naval Rotc commitment and withdrawal bottomline

    Where can I get the spelled-out official govt documents and info on the commitment for a Naval ROTC scholarship and penalty obligations if student withdraws? Desperate. Thanks
  15. J

    AROTC scholarship application denied for 15+ college credit hours

    Hi all, My rotc scholarship application was immediately denied after I put that I’ll have 60credit hours (a full AA). The senior instructor at my local college who I was talking with is currently unreachable but he told me there are 4, 3 and 2 year scholarships and that I am only required to do...
  16. serapis

    ROTC Non-Selects Hub

    Good Morning All, I am starting this forum as a place for ROTC non-selects to declare perceived weaknesses in their application file so that future applicants may avoid similar mistakes. Feedback from ROTC Midshipman and Officers would also be appreciated. For context, I was a 2/22 NROTC...
  17. C

    Chronically Depressed

    I am a 3/C MIDN in Navy ROTC. I have wanted to serve in the military my whole life. I got a full-ride 4-year national scholarship and I am incredibly grateful for everything that I have. That being said, I've been talking with a counselor and she suggests that I am chronically depressed. This...
  18. A

    Upcoming AFROTC High School Scholarship Webinar

    Hi! I am one of the current Gold Bar Recruiters for Air Force ROTC. Next Tuesday, at 6:00 PM eastern, I will be teaming up with the U.S. Air Force Academy and other Air Force and Space Force programs to host a webinar on scholarship and career opportunities available in the US Air Force and...
  19. A

    Electrical Engineering major under EE scholarship looking for guidance...

    Hello Everyone! So I have recently secured a type 1 electrical engineering specific scholarship. Under this scholarship, I am locked into Electrical engineering being my AFSC once I commission, but I have some questions on what the life of an EE officer in the AF is like. Specifically: 1. Do...
  20. C

    Transfer of 3 Year National Scholarship from 2nd Brigade to 5th Brigade

    So I just recently finished my freshman year/MS1 year at Syracuse University and have decided that the school and program are not for me. I've made the decision to transfer from Syracuse to the University of Utah along with my 3 Year AROTC National Scholarship. I have already discussed the...