I should have said 24 ACT English is the min.
Let's also be honest even a 26 ACT is waaaayyyy low for an AFROTC scholarship type 7. The avg best sitting for a type 7 is close to a 29 ACT or around 1280 SAT. Again that is best sitting, not a superscore.
~ JMPO, those with a 29 also have a strong academic (PAR) and ECs.
HQ AFROTC looks at the WHOLE package. Believe it or not they look at scholarships like a business...risk/reward. There are many candidates with great academic stats that get the " We are sorry at this time we cannot offer you a scholarship" Why? Because all they have on their resume is book smart. HQ AFROTC is looking at the candidate being well rounded. They want to see the candidate involved in things outside of the class room to illustrate that they can juggle multiple things while keeping a strong gpa.
But do I need to submit any ACT scores to the AF as a GMC cadet before field training regardless if I go on scholarship or not?
Unless something has changed you will not submit your ACT scores directly to them. HOWEVER your det. will have them on record. As a cadet you will meet with your cadre every semester regarding your academic progression. Your college will have on record your ACT, hence they too will have it on their file. Just like they will know your grades at college for every semester.
Whoever told you that your major does not restrict you from a scholarship is correct. However, just like HSSP selection, your major will matter when it comes to an ICSP if you are talking about the national ICSP (HQ AFROTC) and not the Commanders ability to offer an ICSP. The difference between the national ICSP and Commanders is the Commanders is tied only to your college, the national is tied to the cadet. It is a board scenario out of Maxwell like the HSSP.
~ IE if you are attending a LAC school than your competition for a Commanders ICSP will be other non-tech majors, hence it really will not matter. However, if that OOS college also has tech majors you will probably find that a non-tech major is at a disadvantage compared to a tech major.
~~ For SFT aka LEAD selection the gpa for tech majors are @3.0/3.1, whereas non-tech majors are @ 3.3/3.4 . IOWS. HQ AFROTC expects that a tech major cadets course curriculum is going to be more strenuous/difficult than a non-tech and give them some leeway.
Additionally, let's also address some other key points.
1. Physically where do you stand from the PFA aspect.
~ Fastest way to get noticed in a det in a bad way is a poor PFA. Form matters when it comes to sit ups and push ups. Many cadets with a scholarship in hand will bust their PFA 1st shot out (for contracting) because their form is wrong. The det will have cadets that are the PT people, and if the form is wrong they will not count it.
~~ MY DS was a PT instructor, he was also the pacer at the back for the run. His job was to get across the line with time to go. If you were in the back he had no problem screaming Cadet gibpilotslotplz pick it up so everyone could hear your name. PT instructors also talk to the FCC regarding how you are faring in this area. FCCs will discuss this when they have their weekly cadre meeting, and it will be placed in your file regarding your official score every semester.
~~~ 95 is basically average when it comes to a score.
~ As a non-scholarship cadet you have yet to do a DoDMERB exam. Even if you never get a scholarship, to attend SFT you will be required to have a DoDMERB exam. FYI, they will go back into your medical history from the age of 13 and on. Nut allergies can result in a DQ. ADD diagnosis with meds can bite you. Concussions. Color vision deficiency. ETC, etc., etc.
~~ Not trying to scare you, just trying to say if you have any medical issues in your history get those records in order now because waivers can take months. Scholarship cadets must pass the DoDMERB exam to contract.
3. Cadets selected for rated positions will need to also pass the FAA FC1 physical. It is a 3 day physical that will include everything from your eyes to your toes, and in depth. You will have an EKG performed.
4. Reality is cadets on scholarship are the minority.
~ Nationally only about 16-18% of all cadets are on scholarship.
~ HQ AFROTC does not care if one det has 100% on scholarship and another has 0%. It is national. The top of the top nationally.
~ SFT selection board will not know if you are on scholarship or not. It is what the AF calls "masked" IOWS the board has no clue. You get no bonus points for being on scholarship.
Hope that helps.