I’m currently waiting on DoDMERB to decide whether to reject or grant the waiver request USMA sent out on January 23. I understand the importance of patience during the waiver process, but something has been burning in the back of my mind.
I read on my candidate portal that I should expect to wait 90-120 days for DoDMERB to make a decision. However, should the government suffer another crippling shutdown, a 120 day wait would put me in late May. I’m worried that by then it will be too late to accept an offer and/or all of the available slots will be filled.
Can someone please fill me in on when the waiver reception window for USMA closes? Also, are other candidates in a similar situation? Does being medically disqualified significantly lower your chances of admission? Words of advice and encouragement would be greatly appreciated.
I’m currently waiting on DoDMERB to decide whether to reject or grant the waiver request USMA sent out on January 23. I understand the importance of patience during the waiver process, but something has been burning in the back of my mind.
I read on my candidate portal that I should expect to wait 90-120 days for DoDMERB to make a decision. However, should the government suffer another crippling shutdown, a 120 day wait would put me in late May. I’m worried that by then it will be too late to accept an offer and/or all of the available slots will be filled.
Can someone please fill me in on when the waiver reception window for USMA closes? Also, are other candidates in a similar situation? Does being medically disqualified significantly lower your chances of admission? Words of advice and encouragement would be greatly appreciated.