USNA Admissions FAQs -- "What Are My Chances"

Also, now is the time to start towing the line. Any significant conduct issues that end up on your h.s. record will hurt your chances for a SA. Ditto for non-school stuff like drugs, alcohol, etc. SA members weren't all angels in h.s., but following rules and doing the right thing are critically important. Starting now will stand you in good stead.
I s there anything you can do in middle school to help your chances and by suspensions how does that affect your application
One additional thought -- if you live in a small town/school district, your reputation may follow you from Middle School to High School. Math and English teacher recommendations are very important, so you may need to make up some lost ground. Two rules to keep in mind:
1) When in a hole, stop digging and 2) It takes a whole lot of attaboys to make up for one aw sh!t.
One additional thought -- if you live in a small town/school district, your reputation may follow you from Middle School to High School. Math and English teacher recommendations are very important, so you may need to make up some lost ground. Two rules to keep in mind:
1) When in a hole, stop digging and 2) It takes a whole lot of attaboys to make up for one aw sh!t.
Thanks! I am in currently in 7th grade and got suspended last year so I wanted some advice from someone other than my parents. I REALLY WANNA GO TO USNA!!!
One additional thought -- if you live in a small town/school district, your reputation may follow you from Middle School to High School. Math and English teacher recommendations are very important, so you may need to make up some lost ground. Two rules to keep in mind:
1) When in a hole, stop digging and 2) It takes a whole lot of attaboys to make up for one aw sh!t.
I live in a medium area so I dont think my reputation will carry on that far.
Welcome Middle Schooler:

Middle School: enroll into solid math, science and English courses. Take pre-AP level if they are offered AND you can handle them (strive for great grades A's or B's). Participate in team sports (track & CC are good too). Stay fit and in shape. Develop excellent study habits by consulting teachers etc. Write down your goals and tape them up so you can visualize them daily. Don't post questionable items on the internet. Participate in extracurricular activities that build skills, practice leadership and are ones you like. Have some fun and remember you will need plans B and C to become an Officer. Fill out the interest form on

Suspensions: I doubt typical suspensions from Middle school will matter. Don't get any more though. Good luck!
Welcome Middle Schooler:

Middle School: enroll into solid math, science and English courses. Take pre-AP level if they are offered AND you can handle them (strive for great grades A's or B's). Participate in team sports (track & CC are good too). Stay fit and in shape. Develop excellent study habits by consulting teachers etc. Write down your goals and tape them up so you can visualize them daily. Don't post questionable items on the internet. Participate in extracurricular activities that build skills, practice leadership and are ones you like. Have some fun and remember you will need plans B and C to become an Officer. Fill out the interest form on

Suspensions: I doubt typical suspensions from Middle school will matter. Don't get any more though. Good luck!
could you link the intrest form? and I am a straight A student its the physical aspect for me.
I'm looking at joining the class of '29. What should I start doing to give the best possible chance coming from a big city?
I'm looking at joining the class of '29. What should I start doing to give the best possible chance coming from a big city?

The typical expectations that have been mentioned hundreds of times on here:

  • Take hard classes and do well. Align your schedule so you can take the classes USNA wants to see.
  • Do a sport if possible. If you dont already do one, look for Track/Field conditioning emails from your school over the winter. You would have to run anyway, so might as well do it as part of a team.
  • Have an EC that you enjoy and be a leader.
  • Stay out of trouble.
The typical expectations that have been mentioned hundreds of times on here:

  • Take hard classes and do well. Align your schedule so you can take the classes USNA wants to see.
  • Do a sport if possible. If you dont already do one, look for Track/Field conditioning emails from your school over the winter. You would have to run anyway, so might as well do it as part of a team.
  • Have an EC that you enjoy and be a leader.
  • Stay out of trouble.
And, don't post on Social Media. Less is More.
I'm looking at joining the class of '29. What should I start doing to give the best possible chance coming from a big city?
Me as well! Although I've been preparing since the 7th grade. Hopefully we both make it!
Read the Admissons website--thoroughly.
A lot of information on this Forum-- some good, some bad, but everything you really need to know is on the Admissions website.
@Old Navy BGO is spot on. I would say not on'y 'read' but study the information on the website. This will enable you to write essays and conduct interviews (both BGO and Nomination) much better.
@MidCakePa In the news there has been talk about how the COVID epidemic has lowered education averages and test scores for many students after going back and forth between remote and in person learning. With that in mind most universities have not required an SAT/ACT submission to be accepted. How strong is the Navy Academy holding these test scores this year?
How strong is the Navy Academy holding these test scores this year?
Nobody here can tell you whether USNA is giving more or less weight to ACT/SAT scores this year. One might be able to evaluate trends in the Class Profile over the years , but that is a lagging indicator. However, if all other things are equal , the Candidate with a higher SAT/ACT will have a better chance than the candidate with the weaker score. (Of course, the qualifier "if all other things are equal" is the great unknown --very rarely are candidates equal in all categories other than College Boards)
How strong is the Navy Academy holding these test scores this year?
As @Old Navy BGO says, no one here knows how USNA is treating SAT/ACT scores. Regardless, high scores are still better than low scores.

Teaching at our flagship state university, I’ve seen first-hand Covid’s impact on college freshmen and sophomores. It’s not good. I also know that high schools had very different approaches. My own DS was fortunate in that his school (small, private) held fast to standards and accountability. Most others did not. So if anything, I’d think that SAT/ACT might loom larger as a “standard equalizer.” But that’s just me spitballing. YMMV.