I'll echo Hoodlum... the opportunities are completely unmatched anywhere else in the world. The only catch is you have to put out the effort to apply, volunteer, and excel once you're at USAFA to get them. Here are the highlights from my experience:
-Academics: Double major in Political Science and Economics, summer internship working on counter-WMD research at a defense agency, exchange semester at West Point, scholarship to go straight to grad school full-time for an MS in International Economics (also met my wife in the grad program), got an additional Master of Public Management degree part-time from a top 25 program while on active duty (fully funded by my unit)
-International Travel: Ops Air Force (Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands), Olmstead Foundation Cultural Immersion (Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand), Deployed Ops Air Force (Qatar, Kuwait), Spring Break Language Immersion (Argentina, Uruguay)
-Aviation: 5 freefall jumps, 10 glider flights, incentive flight in a C-17 on a night training mission
-Big Time College Athletics: Cadet-in-Charge of a spirit organization (unfortunately it sounds like it has been disbanded in the last couple of years) and traveled for free to 2 away football games, made the road trip to Wyoming twice, went to almost every home basketball game including an NIT run
-Active Duty Experiences: Managed billions of dollars in government contracts, sat in the Vice President's chair on Air Force Two, went to the White House for the CIC trophy presentation, attended an Inaugural Ball, met several 2, 3 and 4 star generals, received a personal thank you call from the Director of National Intelligence... and that's just the stuff I can talk about

-Post-military Life: Real Estate Asset Manager for a top international investment bank getting great reviews and on track for early advancement, continuing to serve as an ALO with strong records for my Major's board coming up in 2019
You totally get out of USAFA what you put into it. Sure, you can pick an easy major, play video games, and hide in your room just to get by, and you'll be totally miserable. You can slack off, go skiing or snowboarding every weekend, have a good time, and you'll miss out on a lot of what USAFA has to offer. I like to say that I didn't have fun at USAFA, but I got to do a lot of really fun things. USAFA was my dream school because it wasn't "regular college." You have to embrace what it is and dive in to get the full experience.