AROTC Scholarship Second Board?

@EEBTTF I know the ROOs will correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure new scores can be sent. It should only be a matter of them entering the new scores since a recalc is entirely quantitative. At least that's how I would implement it. No board review required.
To confirm--You are saying an applicant can update everything for the final board and the OML "automatically" updates? Or do you need to email them to advise that changes have been made. Can you update the cumulative GPA as well to reflect 12th grade Sem 1 ? Or are you just advising you can update things like a new PFT which must be validated via email.... I have read that you are only boarded once... Please help clarify. Thanks!
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To confirm--You are saying an applicant can update everything for the final board and the OML "automatically" updates? Or do you need to email them to advise that changes have been made. Can you update the cumulative GPA as well to reflect 12th grade Sem 1 ? Or are you just advising you can update things like a new PFT which must be validated via email.... I have read that you are only boarded once... Please help clarify. Thanks!
GPA is only for Grades 9-11, so no senior year transcripts. I do believe PFA and Test Scores (maybe essays too?) would be the only things you could update in the portal.
It will update the points but your file won’t be relooked by human eyes at a board. So an improved score wont get you the “double bump” in points as if you went to the board with the strong file.
I can only tell you what cadet command told me which is contradictory to what Montana State Army ROTC is saying. I am not saying whose right and whose wrong as there seems to be a lot of contradictory information about the ROTC programs - I have been told different things by PMS, Cadet Command and Recruiters so frankly I don't know who to believe. That said, I will be uploading my new GPA in advance of the 3rd board. It certainly can't hurt