I have completed everything on my NROTC and AFROTC applications besides the PFA. Since I'm a dual enrollment student I have not attended my high school for a couple of years and I don't know any of the PE teachers. I see that on the AFROTC AFA it says that it must be a high school official but I'm having a hard time finding someone who is, A. qualified and B. willing to do it since they don't know who I am. Would it be acceptable to have a neighbor who is a coach (no degree, little league events which I'm not sure he can give prof through paper) do my assessment for either the AFROTC or NROTC program which has slightly different requirements? Secondly, will they actually check? Lastly, if they don't accept it, aside from my app being tossed in the trash, will I be disqualified from competing in the future?
I have completed everything on my NROTC and AFROTC applications besides the PFA. Since I'm a dual enrollment student I have not attended my high school for a couple of years and I don't know any of the PE teachers. I see that on the AFROTC AFA it says that it must be a high school official but I'm having a hard time finding someone who is, A. qualified and B. willing to do it since they don't know who I am. Would it be acceptable to have a neighbor who is a coach (no degree, little league events which I'm not sure he can give prof through paper) do my assessment for either the AFROTC or NROTC program which has slightly different requirements? Secondly, will they actually check? Lastly, if they don't accept it, aside from my app being tossed in the trash, will I be disqualified from competing in the future?