ROTC - DoDMERB Tree Nut Allergy Waiver Concern


New Member
May 31, 2023
Hey everyone,
I have seen threads similar to my question, but not exactly the same as mine. I received a 3 year Army ROTC scholarship, and I am currently going back and forth with DoDMERB about waivers and medical history and all of the things I am sure you all are aware of. My current status says, "Under Waiver Review", but I have a concern about my allergy to tree nuts. Will this prevent me from receiving a waiver? I have heard nothing but negativity towards food allergies, particularly tree nuts, and I am worried I will never be able to even join the Army, and also lose my scholarship. If anyone has answers or speculations, I would greatly appreciate them. Thank you.
Hey everyone,
I have seen threads similar to my question, but not exactly the same as mine. I received a 3 year Army ROTC scholarship, and I am currently going back and forth with DoDMERB about waivers and medical history and all of the things I am sure you all are aware of. My current status says, "Under Waiver Review", but I have a concern about my allergy to tree nuts. Will this prevent me from receiving a waiver? I have heard nothing but negativity towards food allergies, particularly tree nuts, and I am worried I will never be able to even join the Army, and also lose my scholarship. If anyone has answers or speculations, I would greatly appreciate them. Thank you.
If you are taking part in some field training, laying on the ground under an oak tree, and there are acorns around you, is that a problem?
If you are taking part in some field training, laying on the ground under an oak tree, and there are acorns around you, is that a problem?
No, my allergy is strictly only when I eat them. I forgot to mention that.
Whether or not you get a waiver depends on the severity of the reaction upon ingestion. In order to get a waiver you will have to get an allergy test. If you do not test as having a severe allergy, then you would conduct a tree nut challenge with an allergist. If you will go into anaphylaxis from ingesting tree nuts or need an epi pen, you will not get a waiver.
Whether or not you get a waiver depends on the severity of the reaction upon ingestion. In order to get a waiver you will have to get an allergy test. If you do not test as having a severe allergy, then you would conduct a tree nut challenge with an allergist. If you will go into anaphylaxis from ingesting tree nuts or need an epi pen, you will not get a waiver.
Okay thanks. I have had a few reactions throughout my life, even the worst one never required and epi pen, nor did I go into anaphylaxis. I think that should work in my favor.
Okay thanks. I have had a few reactions throughout my life, even the worst one never required and epi pen, nor did I go into anaphylaxis. I think that should work in my favor.
Sounds like you will have a chance with getting a waiver. Complete the DODMERB process. When you get tested for tree nut allergies, make sure it includes peanuts, as DoDMERB will most likely ask about peanuts as well.
Sounds like you will have a chance with getting a waiver. Complete the DODMERB process. When you get tested for tree nut allergies, make sure it includes peanuts, as DoDMERB will most likely ask about peanuts as well.
Will do! I am not allergic to peanuts, strictly tree nuts only. Thank you!
My DS is went through same thing. AFROTC asked for AMIs after they DQ'd his Type 1 Scholarship. We went through the medical AMIs with a Allergy Dr. who did peanut ingestion challenge and asthma challenge. DS passed both and noted it on his eval he is qualified to serve in military which we submitted to DODMERB. But AFROTC WA still came back as denied. Have been trying to get in touch with some at WA since they said "If you were waiver denied, please contact us with any questions you may have regarding the disposition." But still they have not returned emails and no luck calling them. We are going crazy trying to get answers. If any one has any direct contact for AFROTC WA, would love to here from you. Medical qualification is definitely a headache even after your give all the right responses and do all that is necessary.
My DS has a history of hazelnut and crab allergy and had a shrimp allergy as of December this year. He was applying to the SA's and was put on a medical waiver. Being proactive and because of how delayed everything in the medical has been this year, I scheduled him with is allergist to see what they could do. They retested his shrimp allergy (skin test) and the Dr felt his reaction was low enough for a food challenge. He ate his shrimp in the office and did not have any medical reaction (although he said he did not care for them since he never ate them before). We submitted that information to DODMERB. Once he received his AFROTC scholarship and they reviewed his medical waiver, they did ask for all previous documentation from all allergists and a copy of all his prescription drugs taken in the past 5 years. That was submitted and then he was granted a medical waiver for ROTC. He was then granted at medical waiver for the USNA when he was waitlisted. So if you have the opportunity to be proactive and can recheck with your allergist it may help. Also we moved a lot so gathering all the medical documentation was a pain, so you could have that all available and have it ready if they need it submitted.
My DS has a history of hazelnut and crab allergy and had a shrimp allergy as of December this year. He was applying to the SA's and was put on a medical waiver. Being proactive and because of how delayed everything in the medical has been this year, I scheduled him with is allergist to see what they could do. They retested his shrimp allergy (skin test) and the Dr felt his reaction was low enough for a food challenge. He ate his shrimp in the office and did not have any medical reaction (although he said he did not care for them since he never ate them before). We submitted that information to DODMERB. Once he received his AFROTC scholarship and they reviewed his medical waiver, they did ask for all previous documentation from all allergists and a copy of all his prescription drugs taken in the past 5 years. That was submitted and then he was granted a medical waiver for ROTC. He was then granted at medical waiver for the USNA when he was waitlisted. So if you have the opportunity to be proactive and can recheck with your allergist it may help. Also we moved a lot so gathering all the medical documentation was a pain, so you could have that all available and have it ready if they need it submitted.
That's what really puzzles me. We practically did the same things (5 years of pharmacy documentation, primary Drs appointments, etc.) and the allergist even noted on his report that my DS is cleared for military service. I contacted DODMERB and they said try asking AFROTC WA for justification or how to elevate rebuttal. But no one correspondence at all from them. Trying to find a right contact to WA at JBSA-Randolph, TX seems impossible. Also contacted his college detachment and they could only defer to DODMERB so everyone seems to going around in circles. Just frustrating for a kid who originally got the Type 1 Scholarship back in Feb and to have it yanked from him without further explanation is heartbreaking.
That's what really puzzles me. We practically did the same things (5 years of pharmacy documentation, primary Drs appointments, etc.) and the allergist even noted on his report that my DS is cleared for military service. I contacted DODMERB and they said try asking AFROTC WA for justification or how to elevate rebuttal. But no one correspondence at all from them. Trying to find a right contact to WA at JBSA-Randolph, TX seems impossible. Also contacted his college detachment and they could only defer to DODMERB so everyone seems to going around in circles. Just frustrating for a kid who originally got the Type 1 Scholarship back in Feb and to have it yanked from him without further explanation is heartbreak
That's what really puzzles me. We practically did the same things (5 years of pharmacy documentation, primary Drs appointments, etc.) and the allergist even noted on his report that my DS is cleared for military service. I contacted DODMERB and they said try asking AFROTC WA for justification or how to elevate rebuttal. But no one correspondence at all from them. Trying to find a right contact to WA at JBSA-Randolph, TX seems impossible. Also contacted his college detachment and they could only defer to DODMERB so everyone seems to going around in circles. Just frustrating for a kid who originally got the Type 1 Scholarship back in Feb and to have it yanked from him without further explanation is heartbreaking.
So did you send documentation from allergist or his primary doctor? Did he have recent documented tests showing he was now negative and did not have any allergies, or none to require the use of an epipen. The only thing they can document is results of tests and only DODMERB can clear for military service. If he hasn't been recently tested I would have him retested. Again you may have done all that.
Hey everyone,
I have seen threads similar to my question, but not exactly the same as mine. I received a 3 year Army ROTC scholarship, and I am currently going back and forth with DoDMERB about waivers and medical history and all of the things I am sure you all are aware of. My current status says, "Under Waiver Review", but I have a concern about my allergy to tree nuts. Will this prevent me from receiving a waiver? I have heard nothing but negativity towards food allergies, particularly tree nuts, and I am worried I will never be able to even join the Army, and also lose my scholarship. If anyone has answers or speculations, I would greatly appreciate them. Thank you.
I logged into my DoDMERB account on 6/25/23, and I saw my waiver was granted for my nut allergies, as well as a few other minor medical history related instances of mine. There were no questions even asked about the nut allergy, I was simply granted the waiver. Thanks to all who replied to this forum.
I logged into my DoDMERB account on 6/25/23, and I saw my waiver was granted for my nut allergies, as well as a few other minor medical history related instances of mine. There were no questions even asked about the nut allergy, I was simply granted the waiver. Thanks to all who replied to this forum.
Congratulations ! DS had milk allergy (perhaps he still has ) but he is able to drink boiled milk, he can eat food cooked with milk. Other than drinking fresh milk, he has no restriction to any food. I hope he is able to get a waiver too.
I logged into my DoDMERB account on 6/25/23, and I saw my waiver was granted for my nut allergies, as well as a few other minor medical history related instances of mine. There were no questions even asked about the nut allergy, I was simply granted the waiver. Thanks to all who replied to this forum.
Congratulations, it must be such a relief! I just wanted to follow up since my son is currently applying to the service academies and he does have a moderate peanut allergy. DoDMERB never required you to do a food challenge? I am really hoping the military eliminates this rule since so many more people have nut allergies. Any other advice on what documentation you provided would be extremely helpful as well.
Thank you!
Congratulations, it must be such a relief! I just wanted to follow up since my son is currently applying to the service academies and he does have a moderate peanut allergy. DoDMERB never required you to do a food challenge? I am really hoping the military eliminates this rule since so many more people have nut allergies. Any other advice on what documentation you provided would be extremely helpful as well.
Thank you!
during the initial medical evaluation (self report questionnaire) you will get this form to fill. DoDMERB will decide what else you need to supply before they make a decision (qualified or disqualified). If you have passed peanut food challenge by your own provider -- then you can fill this form as allergy being resolved.
Congratulations, it must be such a relief! I just wanted to follow up since my son is currently applying to the service academies and he does have a moderate peanut allergy. DoDMERB never required you to do a food challenge? I am really hoping the military eliminates this rule since so many more people have nut allergies. Any other advice on what documentation you provided would be extremely helpful as well.
Thank you!
What are the "moderate" symptoms your DS gets from consuming peanuts?

Does your DS need to carry an epi-pen?

Did he every get an oral food challenge test? If so, then what were the results?
Congratulations, it must be such a relief! I just wanted to follow up since my son is currently applying to the service academies and he does have a moderate peanut allergy. DoDMERB never required you to do a food challenge? I am really hoping the military eliminates this rule since so many more people have nut allergies. Any other advice on what documentation you provided would be extremely helpful as well.
Thank you!
Keep in mind DoDMERB assesses applicants using the military medical accession standard, finding they either meet or don’t meet the standard (Q/DQ). The individual service commissioning programs all have waiver policies and waiver authorities. Policies can and do differ across services, because missions, operating environments, access to advanced healthcare, gear and equipment all vary.

DOD regularly evaluates medical conditions and the related standards; ditto waiver authorities. They will not eliminate a DQ because many people have the condition, as the point of setting the medical bar so high for military accession is to get the healthiest possible individuals into military service with the fewest physical and mental vulnerabilities. The military is utilitarian; the good of the many outweighs the good of the one. Unit safety in harsh operating environments far from advanced medical care is paramount; everyone needs to be an up round to the maximum extent possible.
What are the "moderate" symptoms your DS gets from consuming peanuts?

Does your DS need to carry an epi-pen?

Did he every get an oral food challenge test? If so, then what were the results?
He was recently tested and he does still have antigen levels that show an allergy to peanuts, which they determined was moderate. The allergist was willing to do an oral challenge which we are currently holding off on until it is absolutely necessary. He hasn't had a reaction in over ten years (which were only hives and vomiting at 2 and 7 years old), but that being said he currently avoids peanuts as well. He has no problem with eating anything made in a peanut factory or being around peanuts, he just cannot ingest it. He never carries an epipen since he is old enough to avoid peanuts. We do have an epipen at the house for precaution, but he never has had to use one and has never had throat closure as a response to peanuts when he was first diagnosed. We have a letter from his allergist and his pediatrician to explain his peanut allergy is avoidable and nothing that should inhibit his service. The military is hurting for strong candidates. I really hope they can reevaluate this antiquated rule, especially with so many more from this generation that has this allergy.
Will do! I am not allergic to peanuts, strictly tree nuts only. Than
Sounds like you will have a chance with getting a waiver. Complete the DODMERB process. When you get tested for tree nut allergies, make sure it includes peanuts, as DoDMERB will most likely ask about peanuts as well.
dont disagree but peanuts and tree nuts are compleletely different from each other. Having one doesnt mean you will have the other