
Dec 21, 2018
First post, though I’ve lurked on here for a long time. I had a quick question about the DODMERB. A few months ago I had the medical exam done for the USNA, and I was qualified, and that was that. I also applied for the NROTC MO scholarship earlier this Fall. About a week ago I got an email from DODMETS titled Applicant Approval, and it prompted me to make another account and schedule another exam, even though I already completed it. Also, I know lots of people received the news that they were awarded the scholarship this week, but I did not hear that good news (yet?). What does this random DODMETS email mean? Was I maybe selected for the scholarship and not notified yet? I guess a more specific question would be, when do NROTC scholarship recipients begin DODMERB exams? Sorry for the long post, but I’m really hoping for this scholarship!
DoDMERB for ROTC applicants normally starts AFTER a scholarship is awarded. However, this is not always the case as I've seen folks get scheduled for DoDMERB well before being awarded a scholarship. I wouldn't read too much into it as there are too many possible scenarios. When they do start the DoDMERB process, they should find that you've already completed it for USNA and go with that. That's what I see as puzzling about this. Might be worth a phone call to someone, perhaps the DoDMERB help desk.
Oh yeah, if you're using your real name as a screen name you should have that changed. It's recommended to be anonymous on this forum so detailers can't fogure out who you are and give you "extra" attention (among other things). TacticalNuke can help with that.
Oh yeah, if you're using your real name as a screen name you should have that changed. It's recommended to be anonymous on this forum so detailers can't fogure out who you are and give you "extra" attention (among other things). TacticalNuke can help with that.

I’ll try and get ahold of DODMERB soon. I figured it was some sort of system error and I didn’t want to get my hopes up too soon. I’ll also fix that username. Thanks for the reply