
  1. G

    Do you think I could get in

    I am a female in Dallas, TX applying to the class of 2027 for USNA. Here are my stats: - 3.87 Weighted GPA - 1320 SAT - AP Scholar with Distinction (5s on APUSH, APES, Lang, HUGO; 4s on Euro and Seminar) - Two internships (one with law firm, one with my Mayor) - Varsity swim and varsity water...
  2. revan32

    Are sports necessary to be considered for the academy?

    I'm a high school student who's a junior, and I was wondering if participating in sports is helpful for being accepted at the academy. Please let me know if this is the case. All help is appreciated
  3. E

    How Competitive am I?

    Hi everyone I know this is kind of late to ask as a senior right about now, but I guess it's better done late than never. I have a nomination interview tomorrow and so I decided to look through the forums a a bit today and after seeing some other peoples posts, I've come to the realization that...
  4. D

    Strange Email? Hopefully not a Fluke?

    Got a peculiar email along with 30ish others from LCDR Keith Watson saying I have until tomorrow night to accept my appointment. Also been on hold since maybe February or March. I didn't get to check the portal after I found out about the email, and now I can't login (perhaps because of May 1st...
  5. I

    Does USAFA Have a Wait List?

    Anyone know if the Academy has a wait list? I've realized that with the timeline of all the appointments being given out now, I'm definitely not even close to being their first choice. I'm starting to realize that I probably won't be accepted, but even so, it would be an honor to even be...
  6. J

    Chances of getting into VMI?

    I'm currently a junior and I've wanted to go to VMI for years now, could you guys help me out with any weaknesses I could iron out in an application? Also what are the chances of me getting an appointment? 1310 SAT, 4.22 GPA W, 3.87 UW Lifeguarded for three years Varsity Track/ Cross Country...
  7. R

    Any chance of acceptance?

    Hello all, I have sent my application in and if I am honest, it is completely nerve-racking to me. I'm not sure if I can be accepted or not, but here are my stats and if anyone can give me a good read, it would be extremely helpful. I go to a very competitive private school outside of Annapolis...
  8. P

    Waitlist Coast Guard Academy Scholars Program

    I have just recently been informed I have been waitlisted for the CGAS program. I'm very lucky to have gotten this far, as I did not even think I would have a substantial chance of even being considered. Can anyone provide information about last year's CGAS waitlist and the chances of getting...
  9. Honey_Badger

    AMA - Accepted Soldier Candidate | Admin Kit Complete

    Ask Me Anything. I'm a Soldier Candidate (MN ARNG) for the Class of 2023, and as of today my admin kit is complete (besides the Initial Deposit and Computer/Tablet Preference). I've balanced full-time college and part-time/full-time work (most recently as a National Guard Title 32 Technician). I...
  10. S

    If I don't know, should I assume?

    I'm a student that has applied to USNA and USAFA. I got accepted to both summer seminars, my blue and gold officer told me that I am an extremely competitive applicant, and I got two nominations to USNA and one to USAFA, but I haven't heard anything back yet. Should I just assume that I haven't...
  11. M


    I've done a lot of research and I can't seem to find anything. Assuming I get into the class of 2023, I am afraid that I will be one of the only Muslim students attending USCGA. I have quite a few questions concerning this such as: Will I still be able to practice religion? Can I alter my...
  12. chrisrcollege


    Hey guys, So I have taken the SAT once and the ACT 3 times. I got a 26 all 3 times (I know just my luck) even after taking a prep course and trying different methods for studying and taking practice exams. My super score is a 28, and here are the individual scores for anyone wondering English -...
  13. I

    Can the PMS influence the university on an applicant's acceptance to the university?

    My son is currently boarded for an AROTC scholarship. He has applied to several universities and is awaiting acceptances from them. Can the PMS of the universities contact the admissions department and provide support for his application? If so, is it worth the effort to reach out to the PMS at...
  14. A

    Graduating early from high school

    I am a Sophomore in High School and I am highly interested in the service academies, particularly West Point. I am currently enrolled in all Honors and some AP classes, I have straight A's, a 4.65 GPA, lots of leadership experience(through Civil Air Patrol), and I play sports(Football, Golf)...
  15. J

    Question about my chances

    Hello. I am currently a senior applying to the USAFA, and am wondering my chances. I have a 3.55weighted GPA, and a 3.14 unweighted GPA. I have done well in some challenging AP Classes, but a bad semester really tanked my GPA. I have a 28 on my ACT, and a 640 Reading and Writing/620 Math PSAT...
  16. amc

    Being turned down the 1st time

    I am currently a freshman in high school and really would like to attend a service academy. I was wondering that if you didn't get an appointment the first time you apply, would your chances of getting an appointment increase the second time you apply? Let's say you have top grades and a great...
  17. Z

    AROTC Acceptance or Denial Form

    I sent in my acceptance form to the cadet command e-mail address provided in the winner letter. Should I be expecting a reply confirming that they received it? I almost feel like it would be smart to mail it as well just to be safe.
  18. Z

    Appointment Scheduling

    I received my scholarship package in the mail today! I am very excited, and I know that my next steps are DODMERB clearance and passing the APFT. I like to get things done as fast as possible. I know that Cadet Command sends a DODMERB packet in the mail, however I have heard that the appointment...
  19. STX Patriot

    !Summer Seminar Accepted Thread!:) (Also Falcon Swim Camp)

    Hello to all! I am extremely jubilant as by chance I decided to check the Summer Seminar Application Portal Page and I had been accepted! It was strange that I did not receive an email notification so I advice everyone to check:) It presents you an "I will be attending" and "will not be...
  20. B

    Process to Accept Army ROTC Scholarship

    My son learned Thursday that he has been offered an Army ROTC scholarship and that it may be applied to his first choice university. The official packet will arrive within the next 10 days. He has also been accepted early decision to his first choice university. The deadline to make the...