
  1. B

    NAPS ‘20 LOA Question(s)

    I received an email this past weekend with a conditional offer to NAPS! I’m totally excited, but I still need to get a DoDMerb waiver. Now that I got my LOA, has the waiver process really started? How long can I expect to wait? And assuming I get a waiver , does anyone know what day we are to...
  2. S

    2nd Semester Grades Question

    I am a candidate for USNA, currently I have recieved LOA and I am pending a medical waiver. My question is in regards to USNA's policy on second semester senior year grades. I am currently in 6 AP classes, and as AP exams are approaching, the coursework for each class is ramping up. I expect to...
  3. BuffaloBoy

    Conditional LOA-Medical Waiver Needed

    Hello all, I’ve been on these forums for a while. However, I just created an account. A couple of days ago, I received a conditional LOA from the Naval Academy!! I was so stunned to have received one. Currently, I have all requirements done except that I was DQ’d in December. I am waiting on...
  4. A


    Hey, USMA 2023 candidate here. I received my LOA about 3 weeks ago! I’m a recruited athlete, passed my CFA, received a congressional nomination, but i’ve been DQ for asthma:( My asthma isn’t really a problem. It’s not exercise induced, it doesn’t usually act up but sometimes it does from...
  5. A

    DODMERB, Asthma, additional testing

    Hey, USMA 2023 candidate here. I received my LOA about 3 weeks ago! I’m a recruited athlete, passed my CFA, received a congressional nomination, but i’ve been DQ for asthma:( My asthma isn’t really a problem. It’s not exercise induced, it doesn’t usually act up but sometimes it does from...
  6. S

    Tough Position (LOA received but medical issues)

    Hi, I have received an LOA last week for USNA. The only issue is that I might have compartment syndrome in my legs, and if so, I would need surgery for them down the line. The issue is that I really want to go to the academy but I don't want something like this stopping my dream as a whole...
  7. A

    LOA for class of '23

    Hello, This past early September, I received an LOA for the Class of '23 at USNA. As I still need a nomination and know the LOA in itself is no guarantee of getting one, should I inform the offices of the Congressmen/Senators in my state of this? Or, alternatively, should I just bring a...
  8. N

    Want to change my SA rankings on MOC application with LOA

    I am applying to all 3 SAs hoping to get an appointment to any one of them. I would accept an appointment to any SA if offered. Unexpectedly, I received an LOA from USMA last week which really was a surprise considering how competitive all SAs are. I know I am competitive but the LOA was still a...
  9. D

    Early Application Submission

    I have heard several stories both on this forum and elsewhere of candidates being admitted or receiving LOAs as early as October or November from getting their applications in early. This being said, if I submit my application in the next week or so will I have a chance at this, and more...
  10. T

    Possible LOA - Reapplicant for Class of 2023

    I just got a call from an admissions officer and she is willing to offer me a letter of assurance (LOA); however, as a reapplicant she stated that I must first pass the CFA! So, the CFA is my top priority at the moment. My DODMERB is complete and now I am just in the waiver process with USMA. I...
  11. 5


    Purpose of an LOA and what the significance of getting one means?
  12. R

    Alternate Nomination Sources

    I have an LOA from the Naval Academy but somehow I slipped through the cracks during the congressional nomination process. Nobody gave me a nomination to USNA, how good of a chance do I have of getting a Vice presidential or Superintendent's nomination? Thanks to all
  13. W

    Conditional Offer of Appointment LOA

    I received an email today notifying me of a change in my application status. I checked the application portal, and my status is listed as: "Conditional Offer of Appointment LOA" and my required actions are listed as "Obtain a Nomination". I have already had congressional nomination interviews...
  14. H

    Waiver with LOA

    Hey, I have a LOA to USMA, but I have to get a medical waiver. I know it's impossible to tell if a person is going to receive a waiver, but am I more likely to receive a waiver if I have a LOA? Or is it still possible that I'll be denied? Thanks.
  15. G

    LOA w/ Presidential?

    In mid-July, I was awarded a presidential nomination. Everything besides my transcript, DoDMERB and CFA are in the system, and the transcript and DoDMERB are on the way to admissions as I am writing this. It is my understanding that once my transcript arrives, my package can go in front of the...
  16. flygirl17

    Received Letter of Assurance!!!

    Hi everyone! Haven't posted on here since Feb. but I have a lot of updates! Got accepted to and went to AIM Week 3. Was one of the 2 Honor Grads and today... I GOT A LETTER OF ASSURANCE?!!! Never saw this coming and I am still in shock. Does anyone have any further info on LOAs? I had never...
  17. M

    Personal Statement Help

    Hello everyone! This is my first post here and I am looking for some help. I am currently in the process of completing my application for the class of 2022 and I am looking for some help on the personal statement portion. Can someone tell me how important this portion is as well? Below is the...
  18. A

    Letter of Assurance (LOA)

    Hello, I'm currently applying to the USNA and I've been wondering what is required to receive a LOA. Are test scores and class rank the main factors? Do they take in EC's into consideration? All answers are appreciated!
  19. Trucker7

    Denied after LOA

    My son received a LOA last fall, received his nomination, aced the physical test, and was DoDMERB disqualified (we expected it). He had all testing done and submitted all documents for the waiver by early February 2017 and received his waiver on May 2017. Unfortunately, the LOA "expired" on...
  20. S

    Turned Down Medically

    My son received his TWE this morning. He had received an LOA, but was Turned Down Medically. Is there any type of appeals process that he can try? Thanks!