I don’t agree with this because it doesn’t let the Academy build the class it wants to by giving it as many options for candidates as possible. But doesn’t matter really since neither of us have control
Not looking for control, never said anything about controlling the process.

Many posts are written about multiple noms actually increasing the academies flexibility, cause the can allocate double noms to the group that allows them to pick which other candidate from either pool that they want.
Deadly silence on the nomination side. Anyone heard anything back if you request nominations from them?
My son applied for nominations from both Murray and Cantwell and has yet to hear anything. Just packet shows complete on the required date. Nothing further.
Nominations aren’t due until the 31st. I got a nomination on the 7th last year (NJ-04), and NJ senators don’t usually come out until much later in the month. Keep steady and keep waiting, you will find out this month. For now, keep pushing yourself in school and all your endeavors, and things will work out. (Even if they take an extra year or two ;)). Do not become discouraged.
Just checking - has anyone received a nomination or heard anything after applying in CA-17 (Rep. Khanna) yet?
Just putting this here in the hopes of finding fellow Delawareans. I received a nomination to USNA on 12/17 from "Delaware Senator 2" and then a nomination to USAFA on 12/18 from "Delaware Senator 81". I have yet to receive communication from any of the offices, so I have no idea who nominated me. It'd be great if anyone knows who they are, or if anyone else from Delaware has been nominated yet. Rooting for y'all.
Hi! I believe Senator 2 is Sen Carper which would mean the other Is Sen Coons. Not sure why it's Senator 81. Curious did you hear from Blunt-Rochester? Congrats on your nomination!
If you receive a nomination from a senator, does it mean you have a better chance of receiving an appointment?
If you receive a nomination from a senator, does it mean you have a better chance of receiving an appointment?
No. The SA has to find you fully qualified. They understand your competition was state-wide. You need a nom of some kind.

There will be many fully-qualified candidates with one or more noms who will not be offered an appointment. There just isn’t room in the class to pack them all in.
DS asked me to post: Any word from Rubio? He has not received anything as of yet. TIA :)