I'm 19 and i received a 3 year scholarship for Army ROTC at college. I sign my contract next year but i have a few questions.
My end goal would be Army Reserves. Im a business major and i want to start my business career when i graduate as well as serve in the military so obviously Reserves is a great way to do that. My problem is, within my scholarship it says i owe 4 years active duty and then 4 years ready-reserve. Is this mandatory? or can i just serve reserves? I also want to serve in a different state, specifically California but my scholarship is for college in Philadelphia, PA. My ROTC Sergeant told me Junior year i could submit a packet requesting Reserves when i graduate, but thats after i've already signed my contract and i don't want to be stuck in a situation where i've already signed my contract and have to go active duty.
My other plan was to not accept the scholarship and pay for school with loans and do an ROTC program in college or an officer program after i graduate and then join the reserves once i graduate. Obviously this allows more guarantee of reserves but i wouldn't get my school paid for so i'm kind of in a sticky situation. Any advice would be great, thanks!
My end goal would be Army Reserves. Im a business major and i want to start my business career when i graduate as well as serve in the military so obviously Reserves is a great way to do that. My problem is, within my scholarship it says i owe 4 years active duty and then 4 years ready-reserve. Is this mandatory? or can i just serve reserves? I also want to serve in a different state, specifically California but my scholarship is for college in Philadelphia, PA. My ROTC Sergeant told me Junior year i could submit a packet requesting Reserves when i graduate, but thats after i've already signed my contract and i don't want to be stuck in a situation where i've already signed my contract and have to go active duty.
My other plan was to not accept the scholarship and pay for school with loans and do an ROTC program in college or an officer program after i graduate and then join the reserves once i graduate. Obviously this allows more guarantee of reserves but i wouldn't get my school paid for so i'm kind of in a sticky situation. Any advice would be great, thanks!