Varsity sports question

Jun 9, 2017
Hello! In the past, I've done two individual varsity sports (I didn't receive letters in them) and I'm contemplating between either doing Lacrosse or Football next where I know I'll receive a letter. I have non-varsity experience in both sports and I enjoy playing them a lot. The R.A.N.D. A.A.S. report indicates in one passage that for some reason a varsity letter in football is worth more "points" (600 points to be exact) than playing lacrosse (500 points). Is this entirely true? They both are varsity level team sports so I don't see why one would have more credence for another point wise logically. The same applies with soccer being worth only 500 points while baseball, softball, and football are worth 600 points. Is this entirely accurate? For the passage in question, I've placed it below.

Captain of team (other than baseball/softball, basketball, or football).
Varsity letter in baseball/softball, basketball or football. Varsity letter in
two or more sports (other than baseball/softball, basketball, or football).
600 points

Varsity letter in a single sport (other than baseball/softball, basketball, or
500 points
Why not do both and letter in both? isn't football in the fall and lax is spring?
The Rand report is a good reference tool but it is most likely not 100% accurate in the admissions process today. I would suggest that when it was initially done, the intent was to differentiate between a team sport and individual sport with a team component. Soccer or Lacrosse may now be included in the higher but there is no way to know.

The best thing to gain by reading the report is to understand that the Academy is looking for people who are leaders, have an athletic background and do well in a team environment. Do the sports in high school because you enjoy them and want to better yourself, not because you want to get a higher score on your application.

The Army is a team with a very athletic component. Doing well in that environment is a good predictor to future success.
None of us work in admissions, so we have no influence on how much each activity counts for, it is what it is. I wouldn't overly focus on that old RAND study, you have asked basically the same question in 2 prior threads and you have gotten similar answers each time.