My school runs GPA out of a 100 point scale and I currently have a 88.17 GPA. I have taken a year an accelerated, skipping one year, path in science and as many AP classes as possible. My GPA is still low compared to what I see online and from the advice of my school counselors. With this grade...
Good Afternoon,
I'm reapplying to the academy this year and my brand new BGO is not answering my emails (its been 2 days). I was thinking about sending a follow-up email and possibly a phone call this weekend, however, I don't want to be seen as a pushover. what should I do?
Hello all, this is my first post after reading a few posts and wanted to reach out for advice from people who actually know what they are talking about. I am a junior in highschool and recently had a come to Jesus moment about what I wanted to do with my life, and the first step along that path...
Hello! I'm Mei and I really want to apply to go to the Naval Academy. I am currently a junior in high school. I want to study chemistry at the Naval Academy, and after serving my 9 years in the Navy I hope to go to medical school to be a doctor for the military (probably something with trauma...
Good Afternoon, I am in AFJROTC and I've earned 20 Ribbons; should I only include National Awards or make a list of all the ribbons I have earned? Also since I am my Unit's commander should I put that down as school club president? I only see an option for JROTC Officer.
I was wondering if anyone could provide insight on submitting college transcripts for the USNA application.
When I go to order it, I get an error saying “USPS was unable to find the address you entered as deliverable.
Addresses on a university or college campus are controlled by the...
Hello all,
I am currently applying for the USNA. In the application, there is an essay requirement. I am just here to receive feedback and see what I can do better. This is a rough draft, and I expect to change some things in the future.
(1) Describe what led to your initial interest in the...
Hello, so I just found out about the Academy and was wondering how the age requirements worked. I am twenty two with one semester of community college, can you seriously not get in if your not already a freshman by your 22nd birthday? I could totally understand the 26 yr old scenario and being...
I was told that I would be contacted to for the DoDMERB. I'm told that I qualified, but it's been months and no contact. I've tried to reach out by email and phone, no response. Any advice?
All checks are green, but one- but unable to submit SAT/ACT scores and unable to reach anyone via email of phone to resolve.
Everything else done, but still no DODMERB. Concerned with deadline in days.
Good morning everyone! So I was contacted earlier this week about receiving a principle nomination from one of my Senators to the United States Military Academy, and yesterday I was contacted by their office that they were submitting the nomination to West Point as we spoke. The staffer thought...
I submitted my US Air Force Academy 2021 Summer Seminar application last week. After submission, the "your application has been submitted successfully" message appeared as expected. However, once I returned to the home screen, it said my application was 15% complete and that I needed to finish...
Hi all!!
As a current senior, I've seen so many positive threads of candidates posting their profiles and getting feedback. I'm here hoping for the same constructive criticism.
For background, I was accepted as a candidate to USAFA, USMA, and USNA, however, as my main reason for wanting to...
Hi, I'm 37 years old and so glad that the cutting age changed, but I need to do something fast and the right way because I don't have time. I did my first-time AFOQT test in 2015, I didn't know I could only do it twice, so I wasn't prepared and on my second time, I got some food poisoning and...
Wondering if it might be helpful or frowned upon if my DS added any pictures to the "optional upload" part of the application? He plans to include a pretty standard resume there, but has 2 pics of him on a sailboat and in the water teaching disabled kids to swim that I (very biased!) love and...
Thanks for taking the time to look through this. I haven’t done my fitness assessment yet but the numbers on here are my estimates for when I do it. Everything else is up to date.
GPA (unweighted): 4.0
GPA (weighted): 5.56
ACT: 36 (with a 36 in all four sections, not sure if that matters in...
I’d like to preface this by saying I’m a rising senior who is in the process of applying to Army ROTC. I am trying to decide how to rank the schools on my list, but it’s hard to find definitive details about how the scholarships work in regards to different schools.
If I list 7 schools, what...
Hi everyone,
Do I need to provide documentation/evidence to corroborate all non-school related activities? I know that I will have to get my h.s. guidance counselor to respond to the email thing that's a part of the app. But for other activities, I don't have to have proof or anything right? For...
I have been contacted by a parent who has a daughter interested in the academies. This potential candidate is appears qualified on paper (great grades, volunteer, girls state, two sport athlete and letter-winner, etc). This potential candidate has said that she wishes to quit her spring sport as...
Hello, as you probably know, the USMA candidate questionnaire form opened today. I was planning on completing it ASAP, but I became unsure when I got to the sports and school activities section. I am planning on playing varsity baseball this spring, but tryouts haven't started yet. I am also...