Hi everyone. So I've pretty much done my entire application for USMA. My CFA scores were sent over a week ago but haven't been checked yet in my portal (I think the administer may've submitted the scores via mail) however that was accomplished. Also, my last SOE is supposed to be submitted hopefully tomorrow. But other than that, everything has been done and confirmed for quite awhile now, all evals, scores, transcripts, CAR, etc. Still am at "NO ACTION" on DoDMERB in my portal. Will this change as soon as those other things are in? I'm not a recruited athlete or the best candidate out there by any means, yet still fairly competitive. Does that have anything to do with it or possibly slowed it down? I had heard I was supposed to be scheduled once 50% of the app is complete yet I'm practically at 95, about to be 100%, and still nothing. Any advice/help would be appreciated. Also, this late, is it putting me at any disadvantage? Thanks!