I'm not exactly sure how to word or phrase this, so I will just spit it out: I am having... difficulties working with the Officer assigned to handle my application. I am applying (or tying to apply for) the NROTC Marine Option Scholarship.
From the beginning of our encounters this Officer seemed to be somewhat hostile towards me (I suspect because I notified him there were technical issues with my application, he said he couldn't offer help, then I found a way to turn in the application anyway with the help of another Officer from a different region, albeit the application technically being late. It seemed to me he had a chip on his shoulder because to him I was able to "game the system").
To try and attempt to save from giving every single detail of our exchanges, I missed his chosen deadline to submit my PFT results (is there a national deadline for this or is it up to each individual officer to handle when they want it due? I could not find a national date, and am seriously beginning to suspect he was just looking for a technicality to catch me on). The date was missed partially because I had a family friend's funeral, partially because he never clearly stated the deadline to me (even after I asked for clarification on what he meant in his emails), and partially because the SSgt who he advised I contact to take the physical test with has STILL not responded to my email, a week later.
After I sent him an email explaining the circumstances his response was short, and can be summarized essentially by "I'm sorry to hear about that, I can't/won't offer an extension now, try again next year."
Shortly after that last email I was notified my application has been "withdrawn" from the system, I only assume by this Officer.
In addition shortly after posting this as a response on another thread I received a reply from him on my email explaining the entire situation, to which he says it is "unfortunate" and that he can't give me an extension because it may show preferential treatment...
I can see where he is coming from, however I was not even given an opportunity to schedule my PFT, let alone take it. I don't believe it would be preferential treatment to correct an error that was not my fault.
I understand this is a very serious and competitive scholarship and I certainly won't be angry if it's not awarded to me, but I will be upset if I'm not even given the opportunity to compete for it.
I know it sounds like I may be trying to place all the blame on this Officer for things, but I genuinely believe I have done as much as I am able to comply with his directions, and that he has been slightly unfair to me in correspondence and regarding the process in general. As I said, I at one point even asked him to clarify when certain elements would be due, and he still gave me an unclear answer, and did not mention the PFT at all. I don't like to play victim, but given the situation and all that hangs on it I'm not sure what else I can do, or how I can dispute this.
If anyone can offer help, advice, or any sort of guidance it would be greatly appreciated!
From the beginning of our encounters this Officer seemed to be somewhat hostile towards me (I suspect because I notified him there were technical issues with my application, he said he couldn't offer help, then I found a way to turn in the application anyway with the help of another Officer from a different region, albeit the application technically being late. It seemed to me he had a chip on his shoulder because to him I was able to "game the system").
To try and attempt to save from giving every single detail of our exchanges, I missed his chosen deadline to submit my PFT results (is there a national deadline for this or is it up to each individual officer to handle when they want it due? I could not find a national date, and am seriously beginning to suspect he was just looking for a technicality to catch me on). The date was missed partially because I had a family friend's funeral, partially because he never clearly stated the deadline to me (even after I asked for clarification on what he meant in his emails), and partially because the SSgt who he advised I contact to take the physical test with has STILL not responded to my email, a week later.
After I sent him an email explaining the circumstances his response was short, and can be summarized essentially by "I'm sorry to hear about that, I can't/won't offer an extension now, try again next year."
Shortly after that last email I was notified my application has been "withdrawn" from the system, I only assume by this Officer.
In addition shortly after posting this as a response on another thread I received a reply from him on my email explaining the entire situation, to which he says it is "unfortunate" and that he can't give me an extension because it may show preferential treatment...
I can see where he is coming from, however I was not even given an opportunity to schedule my PFT, let alone take it. I don't believe it would be preferential treatment to correct an error that was not my fault.
I understand this is a very serious and competitive scholarship and I certainly won't be angry if it's not awarded to me, but I will be upset if I'm not even given the opportunity to compete for it.
I know it sounds like I may be trying to place all the blame on this Officer for things, but I genuinely believe I have done as much as I am able to comply with his directions, and that he has been slightly unfair to me in correspondence and regarding the process in general. As I said, I at one point even asked him to clarify when certain elements would be due, and he still gave me an unclear answer, and did not mention the PFT at all. I don't like to play victim, but given the situation and all that hangs on it I'm not sure what else I can do, or how I can dispute this.
If anyone can offer help, advice, or any sort of guidance it would be greatly appreciated!